Chapter 14: Light? Dark.

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Very short chapter. I was bored so I wrote this for fun but it's a very important chapter so I advise you to read this.


Silently thinking to himself, he stared at the sleeping beauty. "You're scaring me of how you make me feel."

"How you express your words where you could make me blush all of a sudden."

"How your touches makes my stomach churn in a whole different world."

"How you, yourself makes my heart beat faster."

"How easily I've grown to care."

"How scary it is to completely accept the fact that I'm fucked and I didn't know what to do. Or was it because I didn't wanna do anything?"

"How you actually made me scared of loosing you."

"How fucking gorgeous you are and you don't acknowledge that."

"How you would tease and hit me all you want and I wouldn't dream of laying a finger on you."

"How you would bother the fuck out of me and I wouldn't mind."

"How fucking whipped you made me."

"How you somehow pulled my brothers back together and make them turn all fangirl mode."

"How is it that you're so amazing?"


"How." She replied sleepily, a smile tugged onto her lips as she rests her head on his body. "Can we go to sleep?" She whispered, eyes barely opening.

"Let's go to sleep."



It was black.

Pitch black.


A light?

A light.

A sparkling light.


It's too high.

I can't reach it.



It turned black.


I hear quiet whispers and mumbles.

It's clearer.




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