Chapter 9: Truth or Dare

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Feeling embarrassed than ever, she squints her eyes and hoped for the best to come out of his mouth.


After a few seconds of waiting, nothing came out. it was silence but yet, his presence was still there and the fact that he was just standing there not saying anything made her more anxious than she already was.

She reluctantly opens her left eye to see if he walked away yet and soon popped the other side to take in more of the view.

The girl's eyebrows furrowed as she took the chance to stand up, resting her palms on top of her knee, supporting her own body as she struggles to stand straight.

She tilted her head to the left and stared at him for a good amount of ten seconds, but not too soon after, her glare was shot off by the male who was walking towards her.

He slipped both his hands into his pocket and then shifted his eyes up and down, focused on her, it was his turn to analyze. He looked like he was in the deep thoughts, although why would he -as the girl questioned herself- by just staring at her, she was nothing pretty or anything interesting to look at.

'What the hell is wrong with this dude?' She thought at the uncomfortable scene in front of her, she would usually just walk away but this is just strange, the girl figured he'd yell at her for no reason, or at least just cussed her out. She couldn't read him, his emotions were shielded by some sort of a barrier or something. He was indeed an unsolved mystery, waiting to be unfold by the girl herself as she took another gaze at the beautifully structured man standing right in front of her,

He slightly frowned then walked away, hands still in his pocket as if nothing happened.

"That's one strange dude." Her left brow rose at the mysterious man slowly getting smaller and smaller in an inch of seconds as she watches him leave.

Turning the other way, the brunette shifted her leg to the other side but suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"Shit." She cursed, under her breath.

Urine was splattered all over the blocks of quartz, leaving yellow remarkable stains across the shiny white floor. she certainly didn't know how or when this happened but it was embarrassing either way.

Her denim pants were soaked in warm, warm pee, making her legs touching the hot yellow liquid as it pooled its way around her feet, leaving no space between her -now- soggy socks to yet remain dry.

She groaned then scratched the back of her neck, looking the other way as she found herself the former flirt standing before her. She didn't know whether she should be happy that he appeared or just taken back at his presence.

There was an awkward silence between the two, the male couldn't help but bursted out laughing, as he tried to fight it back, but failed in the end anyways.

"Holy shit!" He guffawed.

"I just wanted to pee." She dropped her shoulders, not feeling any slight of embarrassment whatsoever, as exhaustion took control over her.


"Is he that scary enough to make you pee your pants?" The silver headed boy asked, giggling along the way.

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