Chapter 19; Mine

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a small flustered smile plastered on her lips and she looks down at the black and white checkered ground as he gets closer and closer. One hand stretched out for her to grab and she shakes her head, looking back up at him with a smile on her face. "You dragged me all the way here just to give me an ice scream?" She chuckled.

"It looked like you really wanted one."

His words only made her face grew crimson. Even more than she already was. He rolls his eyes and takes her small delicate hand, the girl flinches at his sudden touch. Grabbing her by the wrist he once tugged on, this time it was a hundred and a hundred times gentle than before.

Before he could place the ice cream inside her palm, there was a sudden pause to his muscles. "Did it hurt?" He asks, eyes softened rather from the strong gaze he normally had.

A bruise filtered her soft hand, wrist was reddened with the grasp of his very own. It didn't hurt for the girl, but things just oddly let the boy do things he would never thought of doing. Especially and only with the very female in front of him.

"Come here." He hesitated before tugging the bruised wrist of the girl. It has become a habit of him dragging people recently. Hands hovered to the palm of her hands and he intertwined his into hers. Holding her hand and drew her to his bed. Placing the ice cream on the night desk and he continued.

"Sit down." He said, soft air blowing his hair. Cautious, she sat down without any force. And as soon as her she touched the soft mattress, he went searching in his drawer.

A small tube was in between his fingers and he sat down next to her. Reaching for her hand and he caressed it gently, resting her small frame of a carpal in his large palm and he started to squeeze the oily substance out of the tube. "Next time don't be so stubborn and just do as I say." He mumbled, softly rubbing the cream on her bruised hand with only his index finger. 'Your words say otherwise than your actions Kim Taehyung. When are you going to admit that you care?'


Yet again that nostalgic feeling inside her stomach has returned. It felt like her world falling into pieces, and she was just staring at it, not doing anything. It felt like the first taste of love, one sip of the sweet flavor and you grew addicted. It felt like floating on water, sinking in the deep but not sunk. It felt like flying in the sky, touching every cloud passing by as she closed her eyes.

She felt guilty. So guilty for having feelings as such that reminded her of Jungkook. But why wasn't she thinking of him at all? Why was the cold-handed male all in her thoughts? Why were they so peaceful and wonderful to think of? Her heart was beating so rapidly. She had never experienced such interaction with the male. She was in her own little world.

A world so pretty.

His soft but sharp figures shined in the daylight. He almost looked like an angel. Light reflecting around his features like a halo wrapped around his crown. 'You're so very pretty, taehyung.' She thought, staring at his features unknowingly.

"You're all done." He let go of her hand and she blinks. "Thank you." Soft gazes ran across each other and they both ended up locking eyes.

"You..." he softly murmured before yet another interruption was made. "Open up!" A knock was soon to be heard and a voice that sounded familiar shouted across the door. "It's Seokjin! Your worldwide snack of a brother!"

You both blinked rapidly and he stayed in his position before getting up and left with a word said, "You're... confusing."

"Hey! Open up! We're going to kayak!" Shouts the eldest across the room once again. The two backs off and he walks to open the door. "Heyo!"

Walking in, he immediately sees you and says "Oh and y/n! Jungkook said he wanted to see you. He told me to tell you to go to the main door out." He gestures his hand to his left and the younger next to him crosses his arm, raising his brow.

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