Chapter 11: Man, I Adore You

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"kiss me." he murmured which took the girl by surprise. "kiss me, y/n." he gently moves her messy bangs away from her eyes, hands sliding down to her cheeks and caressing it gently. "listen to me this once." he whispered.

The feeling he had made the girl feel was beyond indescribable. There was just something about him since the start that made the female fell so deep yet such in the quickest way possible. The two were left facing eachother, lay their bodies before them under puffy blankets and pillows. Staring right into one and the other's eyes, the male was yet amazed by her beauty once again. Her eyes shone even in the darkest bits of times, there were always these little sparkling fireworks that illuminated in her pool of different shades of pastel colors. The softly glowing radiance from the computer screen made her eyes shine brighter, there was indeed nothing more beautiful than the very female sitting right across his face. He never thanked himself for buying milk in his whole life.

Suddenly, the boy's face started to lean closer and closer to hers in a split of second. This rather left the girl nervous. His lids were slowly closing, as the girl gulped down a lump that has rested in her throat for quite a long time.

Followed by the coconut head, the hooded girl shuts her eyes and leans into into the male. So far, their lips were just two millimeters apart waiting for one or the other to crash into each, too afraid to make the first move by themselves.

She suddenly felt soft lips planted onto her own making her feel all types of feelings inside her head, stomach, and heart. She swore to god that she's never wanted this moment to end.

Cuz too bad, it ended ;)

"Zzzzz..." snored the pigtailed fool supporting her head on his broad shoulders. This snapped the boy back to the unpleasant reality as he faced the girl. 'She fell asleep.' He gazed at the penguin head hooded child, sleeping on his very shoulder. 'what was I even thinking?!' He thought, hitting his own head multiple times, embarrassed at his own self for being so whipped.

"You're asleep huh?" He scoffed, a little disappointed at her usual tire. He blinked a few times, yet once again taking in the view of her, glaring fondly at the younger.

Taking a deep breath, he carefully moved himself away from her head as he placed a soft pillow for her to rest on. Doing so he lifted the girl up by his undeniable powerful strength and adjusted her into a comfortable position. Tucking her in, he closes the laptop sitting in front of the two. It was his turn to take care of her, putting her to sleep and all. since it was his last day with her here he decided to do what he wished for a while now.

Out of the blue the male laid himself next to her body, staring at her sideways of his posture. All the little moments suddenly popped into his mind as soon as he laid his eyes on her resting face, She never looked so peaceful with HIS presence around until now. Thinking about the one and only female next to him, he let out a soft little chuckle escape. His bunny teeth curved into the brightest smile he could beam as little wrinkles at the wing of his eyes took form.

Usually, this doesn't happen very often. It only happens when he was truly happy around someone or when he did something he was extremely fond of. This rare smile of his only appeared around what he loved, what he cherishes, and what he adores most.

"I would kiss you, but I'm afraid you'd break another bone of mine if I didn't ask for your permission." He whispered.


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