Simply Irresistible

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I just joined Wattpad to also put my stories up and voila, barely a week later someone else brought attention to me that my story was potentially copied not word for word this time but many situations and dialogues are word for word. This is literally the eight time now!

Please guys I am soooo happy that you all love this story but don't take it and pass it off as yours. I put a lot of work and imagination in making this fanfic. Just think, if you were in my shoes and someone took something that you made and passed it off as yours. Please resist the urge to copy my story as yours! You can message me to talk if my story is inspiring you to write, I look forward to those, but please don't copy large chunks of this story without my permission. Sorry and thank you!

Simply Irresistible

Hermione looked both ways before she crossed the street to where the café was. She couldn't help but smile as she saw him through the glass windows.

"Ron!" Hermione said happily as she approached their usual table, one they'd claimed now for how their numerous lunch dates, she couldn't even count. She leant in for a hug and turned to kiss him lightly but he had moved ever so slightly that she only grazed his cheek.

Hermione looked at him, he was being oddly fidgety but decided to let it go. Lately with the wedding approaching, he always seemed to be a little off.

"Hermione..." Her red haired boyfriend began in a very unusually low and hesitant tone

"Yes? Is everything okay?" Hermione asked cautiously as she sat down. Silence was her answer. She looked up at him questioningly, waiting for his answer.

"I can't do this." Ron finally said.

Hermione looked away from the menu back to him. "Oh, I can take lunch to go. I'm sorry, I wished you would've told me you couldn't do lunch to-"

"No not lunch." Ron said loudly this time, interrupting her sentence.

"Oh." Hermione said not sure what to say. So she waited for him to explain.

It seemed like hours before he said those five treacherous words, yet the reality was that it had only been a minute.

"Hermione, I can't marry you." Ron said softly, barely above a whisper.

Silence ensured as neither said anything in return. Like as if both had to still register what he had just said.

"It's just that you're the second person I've ever dated and I'm your first." Ron began nervously, feeling like he needed to fill the silence by defending himself. 

Hermione looked up at him in shock, not believing his words, accusations really. "So what do you want? To sow your wild oats or something?" She asked incredulously.

"No, I mean, Hermione." He paused as he tried to get his bearings and confidence back. "It's just, there's no more fire in our relationship. You're just..."

"I'm what?" Hermione asked, a part of her already knowing she was not going to like the answer. Sure she loves, well no loved, Ron Weasley but even she knew that he was not always a man of tact.

Ron didn't say anything, faltering.

"What am I, Ron?" Hermione asked, starting to sound hysterical.

"You're just boring. All you ever want to do is read when you get home." Ron finally said after pausing. "You nag on me for everything. And you, you, you dress worse than my mum." He continued, almost on a roll now. Things he had never been able to bring up to her before. "You never dress up anymore or put any time and effort-" He continued as he remembered the occasions with the Cannons players and their significant others, where couldn't help but feel out of place as Hermione barely tried. And he hadn't been embarrassed at first but the more pictures he'd see the next day of all of them, he couldn't help but wish that she didn't stand out, in a not so great way, compared to the rest of his team and their significant others.

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