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You ready?" Draco asked.

"Yes!" Teddy exclaimed.

"At least someone's excited for the three of us." Draco muttered into Hermione's ear.

Hermione shook her head. "Yes, well he's four. He doesn't quite know what we're walking into."

"How I miss being four." Draco muttered.

Hermione looked at him with one brow raised. When she realized he wasn't kidding, she gave a giggle.

"What's so funny Aunty Mione?" Teddy asked looking up at Hermione.

"Nothing love." Hermione said as she bent down to pick him up. "We're going to side apparate. I need you to hold onto me very tight."

"Okay." He grinned as he laid his head on her shoulder. "I love you Aunty Mione."

"And I love you." Hermione smiled at the darling boy.

Draco looked on, with an unreadable face.

Hermione looked up at him and smiled. "I'm ready when you are."

"Okay then. I'll see you two there." Then with a pop he was gone.

"Okay Teddy, remember hold on."  After taking one big sigh in Hermione's case, the two of them disappeared.


Narcissa knew the moment her son apparated to the Manor.

Before the house elf could say anything, she stood up and said she would get it.

Narcissa entered the hall just as the grand doors opened.

Standing in the door way was her son and a woman with a small boy in her arms.

"Is this place yours?" Teddy asked in awe. "It's huge!"

"No, not yet. One day, I guess." Draco said. Then he looked up at the sound of approaching footsteps. "Mother."

"Draco, you're here."

"Of course, Mum. Like I'd want to make you mad."

"Well at least you've gotten wiser these past years."

Hermione had to cover a laugh. Narcissa Malfoy turned her head towards Hermione and Teddy's direction. Teddy kept wiggling so Hermione put him down just to look up into the eyes of the woman in front of her.

Hermione was caught at full impact just how beautiful the woman was. Well she had to be beautiful really. She was Draco's mother. And even though she would never say it out loud. Draco was handsome with aristocratic features that you could see as plain as day came from the woman in front of her. Even in her mid forties the woman could be considered more beautiful than the women half her age. With her long blonde hair, flawless features, and beautiful eyes. She looked regal and a little intimidating still.

"I assume you are Hermione Granger." She fixed her ice blue eyes on Hermione.

"Yes m'am."

"I was right. You are a hidden beauty."

Hermione blinked. "Pardon."

"The first time I saw you at the Cup. I knew then and there that you were not going to stay the ugly beaver that my son claimed you to be. You were one of those, whose beauty is withdrawn until they are ready to show the world."

Hermione was at a loss for words.

"Aunty Mione's beautiful now!" Teddy said breaking the silence.

"Yes, yes she is. And who might you be?" Narcissa smiled almost fondly?

"Hi, I'm Teddy, Teddy Lupin." Teddy grinned. "I like your hair. It's long like my Mummy's but it's not red. I still like it though."

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