Epilogue: Harry and Sabine

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Harry and Sabine

Hermione sat up as Draco came in with the rest of their party, including their three year old daughter who was snuggled in her grandmother's arms.

"He's beautiful Draco." Hermione said.

"Of course, he is our son." Draco said almost smugly, but mostly in awe of the new addition to their family.

"Have you guys decided on a name?" Blaise asked as he was handed his god daughter.

Hermione and Draco looked at each other. "Well." Draco rubbed the back of his neck. "We were sorta arguing about it but then,"

"I went into labor."

"What'd you do Draco?" A very pregnant Luna asked.

"Um I may have disregarded her choice of a name as a joke..."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked as he held his also very pregnant wife who had to restrain their son from going and pulling Lyra Malfoy's very fine blonde hair.

"I wanted to name him after you Harry." Hermione said softly. There was a palable silence throughout the room before George began to laugh.

"Harry you're my best friend and I could never have asked for a better one. I want him to grow up and be as good of a man and friend as you are."

"Ahhhh." The women in the room chorused, then all eyes turned to glare at Draco.

He threw his hands up in the air in defeat. "At least use Scorpius as his middle name then." He conceded.


Harry Scorpius Malfoy's eyes twinkled excitedly as at last he was going to be able to attend Hogwarts.

"Are you excited?" A soft voice asked him. He looked up. It was his best friend Albus Potter.

"Of course. Aren't you?"

"Yeah, I just don't know what house-"

They were both cut off when two small tan arms threw themselves at them. "Harry, Albus!" Sabine Zabini cried.

"Come on squirts we have to go soon." Teddy told them as him and James picked up a bunch of their stuff to put on the train. It was Teddy's last year and he had to get to the Head's compartment soon.

Luna Zabini smiled as she saw her only child talk excitedly with her two best friends. She always worried for Sabine as she was quite eccentric much like herself but still had a certain charm from her father yet would most likely get bullied like she'd been long time ago with her rather quirky views. Looking at the three of them though she knew that the two boys wouldn't let anyone hurt Sabine in fear of their wrath.

"My Mum said she had something to give us before we leave." Sabine said breaking away from the boys.

"Ms. Zabini, Sabine said you had..." Albus began then stopped as Luna opened her palm and showed three separate necklaces of a curved silver string.

"These are for you three." Luna said, having studied and modeled the charm after Hermione's heirloom.

"Cool." Harry said as he took it from her to peer at it, closer.

"Does it do anything special Mum?" Sabine asked knowing her Mum.

"Touch all three together." She sweetly told them.

All three eyes opened in shock as when they touched, they began to grow and eventually connected to form the infinity symbol.

"Awewome." Both Harry and Albus cried.

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