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Hermione and Draco by passed the paparazzi, answering no questions rather politely smiling at them as they went.

"My cheeks hurt from smiling." Hermione muttered under her breath as they passed the last one.

"Tell me about it, I have to do this practically every day."

"That's because you like to show off." Hermione snorted.

Draco grinned. "You sometimes frighten me about how you know me so well."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Draco a lot of people know that you're pompous they just wouldn't say it to your face."

"True." He shrugged. "But I like to think that I have a special place in your heart." He teased. "And that you know so much about me because you're obsessed. After all I am so good looking."

Hermione punched him in the arm. "I am not obsessed you idiot, but you do have a special place in my heart."

Draco's brows raised as he said "Really?" in a surprised tone.

"Yep, I'll always see you as the amazing bouncing ferret in my heart." Hermione said dramatically as she placed a hand over her heart.

"Ha ha Granger." Draco said dryly. "When are you going to forget that?"

"Never, not as long as I live." She smiled sweetly up at him.

"Now don't you two just look friendly." Blaise said as he walked up to meet them.

Hermione looked up then as he came closer she slugged him in the arm.

"Yeeeeowww woman that hurt." Blaise said as he clutched his arm. "That'll cause a bruise tomorrow."

"Why didn't you warn me that he would be filling out as my date." Hermione pointed at Draco.

"Sorry Luna was without a date and I couldn't let her go alone. He offered to take you so I thought what the heck, it'd work out nicely. I told him to be on his best behavior. He has been hasn't he?"

"Hello, he is standing right here." Draco growled.

"He's okay I guess." Hermione shrugged as the two ignored him.

"Okay? Okay that's all you have to-" Draco was however cut off when Mr and Mrs. Potter came into view.

"Hermione!" Ginny yelled. "Oh my gosh, you look gorgeous!" Ginny said as she passed Blaise and Draco so that she could hug Hermione.

"Hi Gin, you look beautiful too." Hermione hugged her back.

"The color really brings out your hair." Hermione said as she let go and got a good look at her.

"I know right." Ginny joked.

The two girls laughed.

"Hello Mione."

"Harry!" Hermione ran to him and hugged him.

"You look breathtaking Mione." Harry said.

Hermione blushed. "You look spiffy too Harry."

"He does doesn't he. Now where'd you find this gorgeous dress?" Ginny asked.

"Actually…" Hermione trailed off as she looked at Draco.

Ginny followed her gaze. "Malfoy got you that dress?" She said bewildered.

Hermione nodded.

"I do have good taste." Draco said teasingly as he wrapping an arm around Hermione's waist and looked down at her.

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