XIX - I Know You Never Like to Be Alone

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The next day at school was tough.

I'd spent the whole night mulling over ways to get over Will but the moment I laid eyes on him the next morning in Homeroom, I knew it would be no easy task. He'd swapped seats with some blonde girl I'd never spoken to before - clearly in order to get away from me - but that didn't stop my eyes from landing on him the moment I entered the room. He was slumped over his desk, sketching away in his book with his eyebrows partially narrowed and his forehead creased in concentration.

My head swam with adoration as I watched Will's hand glide across the paper with his hair gently falling into his eyes. With every second I stood just observing him work, I felt myself falling deeper in love with him despite my intention being the exact opposite. How on earth could I ever not love him?

A deep cough rumbled from behind me, alerting me to the presence of Mr. Richmond and snapping me out of the trance I'd wound myself up in by watching Will. "Are you going to take a seat any day soon, Mr. Wheeler?"

"Yeah...erm...yes...sorry." I muttered, rushing towards my seat, all too aware of all the numerous pairs of eyes on me and also on Will. I saw Will's head lift up and the blush that tinted his cheeks as he realised what had happened. Just before I sat down, he locked eyes with me and glared at me before carrying on with his drawing and the embarrassment I was feeling slid into an overwhelming sadness that was eating me up whole.

Will managed to successfully avoid me all day after that and he and Max didn't even turn up to lunch. My heart ached with desperation just to see his face once more but the lonesome path and the pang of longing stretched on and on as, by the time I was cycling home, I hadn't so much as caught a glimpse of him since that morning.

"What's the matter, honey?" My mother asked over dinner. "You haven't spoken much all night. Me and your father are concerned. Isn't that right, Ted? Ted? TED?"

"Huh?" My father grumbled, pausing the journey of his fork halfway to his mouth and looking up at my mom with a bewildered expression.

"Nice." She huffed before turning back to me. "Are you still unwell? Maybe you shouldn't have gone into school today."

"No, Mom. I'm good, I'm fine. I swear it." I lied through my teeth but Nancy looked up at me in concern and I knew I hadn't fooled her at least.

"Are you sure, you've been awfully qui-"

"How's the chicken, Dad?" I asked, cutting her off and hastily changing the subject.

The remainder of dinner passed without another person bringing up my behaviour but, afterwards, Nancy dragged me into the living room and asked me what was wrong.

"It just feels so wrong, I haven't spoken to Him all day and only saw Him once. I feel like a piece of me is missing and like I can't be myself." I told her truthfully, I knew lying to my sister would get me nowhere.

Nancy was silent for a second, thinking things over. "Maybe you should go to his house. You know...as a friend."

"I'm not sure if He's ready for 'friends' right now." I said sorrowfully.

"You never know unless you try."

"Maybe I will." I told her and she smiled at me. Hurrying out of the house, my heart no longer standing the separation, I told my mom I would be back in a couple of hours before hopping on my bike and peddling off.

This is such a bad idea but I just can't help myself.

My heart lodged itself in my throat as my feet thundered on the pedals of my bike, urging the wheels to spin as faster and faster. My chest tightened more and more with every yard closer to Will I travelled and my mind reeled almost as quickly as my tyres span with thoughts of will he even speak to me? What do I say to him if he does? What if Joyce slams the door in my face? Panic was settling into my bloodstream but I was already set on seeing Will and couldn't have forced myself to turn back even if I'd tried.

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