Epilogue III

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Will's POV:

Monday 1st February, 1988-

Fumbling through my locker, I turned my back on all of the people in the hallway who still - even now - felt the need to  mumble about me. The anxieties that had once forced me to keep a low profile under their reproachful stares no longer affected me and I ignored their remarks and grumbles so much I wasn't even sure which of the numerous things I was infamous in the school for was the topic of conversation this time.

Was it the whole "Zombie Boy" discussion again? Was it my assault? Was it the fact that I have a boyfriend? Who knows? And more appropriately, who fucking cares?

Besides, my mind was elsewhere.

I was chewing on my bottom lip, trying hard not to let the sadness I was feeling deep inside show on my face as I'd promised myself I wouldn't be that typical, clingy boyfriend who couldn't even go a short while without seeing the love of their life - even if a whole two days did seem like an eternity. I could technically live without him, for a short while, but that doesn't mean I'd ever want to and especially not on that day.

Mike had made it clear to me that he never wanted to go to the city with his family. My boyfriend had told me himself that he hated the idea of spending time away from me and he'd begged and begged his parents to allow him to stay home but that didn't make it any easier saying goodbye to him as he gave me a last, heart-wrenching kiss when they ultimately refused him and he climbed into the car, forcing me to watch him disappear into the distance.

I missed him, that much was clear to everyone I'd encountered over those few days apart. Whenever my mother would glance at me, I witnessed the worried expression etched into her facial features when our eyes locked and I was sure I knew what it was that was making her feel this way. Even I'd noticed that my eyes seemed different and the sparkle that had been held within them for months seemed to have vanished, leaving them cold and dull.

It's only a few days, Will. Get a grip.

"Hey!" The bright voice of my sister called as I heard her gentle footsteps approach me. My heart felt ever so slightly lighter as I was enveloped by the presence of the girl for the first time that day as I'd been house sitting for the Wheelers and hadn't been home since the previous night.

"Hi." I responded, spinning around to face the joyful girl and hoping against hope that my smile didn't look quite as obviously forced as it felt to me. Max embraced me tightly and patted my back a couple of times and I was sure that she'd already seen through my façade but, ultimately, that didn't surprise me at all. Few people in this world understood me quite the way my sister did.

The red-head's hands never left my shoulders, even after she drew back from the hug and I observed the way her eyes darted around my face, searching for the reason for my woes within it. "Haven't you seen Mike yet? He's back today, right?" Max pondered the question, a hint of confusion laced within her tone as she clearly was unsure as to how I couldn't be happy about the imminent return of the love of my life.

"Not anymore," I sighed, my eyes falling to the floor as my heart began to ache with sorrow and longing. "Jonathan called before school and said he's been on the phone to Nancy. She told him their mom has decided to extend the trip because she thinks it's good for "bonding time". She clearly doesn't care that Mike's missing school and Jonathan said they haven't even set a date to return yet. Mike never told me any of this when he called last night so I guess it was a decision made last minute after he'd hung up, or something."

"He's not back today?" My sister gasped as she finally understood what it was that had led to me being so obviously down-hearted, "He has to be back today. Isn't today-"

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