chapter 5

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We bought steak and bread for everyone. I would have to start working to keep this up. We got back and everyone got their food. Darien came over. "So are you ready to start the house?" I smiled thinking about how we were going to build our house. "Ya lets get started." I thought about something. "How does a multiple floor house sound to you guys?" the wolves howled and waged their tails.

"That sounds great alpha." I smiled. "I thought so too. Ok, we need materials for the house and lot of them. I want this to be big enough for all of us. I will also make it into the ground to since we will be on a hill." they all nodded. "Let's go and see if asthma knows anyone who can build. That way it goes faster." the wolfs decided it would be best if they took turns walking with me. We got up the hill to Aphmau's house and I knocked on her door.

Aphmau came out and greeted me. "Hello y/n how is your day going?" I smiled. "It is going great. I was just wondering if anyone here was a builder? And if we could get help in our house." she nodded. "Ya, I know some people who will help you build your house. They will be more than willing. It will also give them a chance to get to know you better."

I started to wonder who they could be. "Who is it?" she didn't tell me but she had a weird look on her face. "Seriously Aphmau who is it?" we walked for a while then we came to a tower. "We're here. I want you to meet properly this time." I looked at her funny. "Come on let's go up." Why do I have a funny feeling about this?

We got up to the top to see two men arguing over something. And one in a corner reading something. I could sense another one but I couldn't see him. "Hey stop arguing we have company." They stopped to look over at us. "y/n this is Garroth" she pointed to the tall blond male. He smiled at me he seemed like the type to be shy. "This is Laurence." I looked at him. He was the one who tackled me the other day. He waved. "And this id Daunte." she pointed to a blue haired male.

"She wants to know if you would be willing to help her build her house." they nodded. "Ya, we will gladly help build your house. Where do you want to build it?" I smiled. Just follow me and I will show you." we walked out of the tower and back to camp. "Ok guys I got us some helpers lets go and start building." they all nodded and grabbed all of our stuff. We walked over to the mountain side. It was close to Aphmau's house but still hidden. "We will be building it so it faces the town." I had marked our path with some string.

We would build a path later. "We are going to build a house with enough room for all of us. So we need ten different rooms. Four bedrooms. three bathrooms, a kitchen, a basement, and a living room. I will be making some more rooms underground in the basement. I want extra rooms if we decide to expand." they all nodded and we all went to start our sections.

I had to send Samantha over to kawai~chan's so that she wasn't in the way. I was the wolf's help me dig away the dirt. I made the basement big enough for the whole pack to live in and added some extra rooms. I built some secret rooms as well. I wanted to have some rooms for privacy. The wolves knew that they were there but my siblings wouldn't.

I went upstairs to see what progress was made. They had managed to make the first floor the living room with a bathroom. They had the kitchen on the second floor. And they were still working on the two bedrooms one bathroom third floor. Garroth and Laurence seemed to be doing the interior. I decided to help them. "Wow. It's impressive what you can get done with the right help." Garroth looked at me and smiled. "Ya, we are just happy that we could help." I smiled.

"I'm just happy you didn't kill me when you thought I was a bandit." They looked ashamed of that. I laughed. "Hey don't worry about it what kind of alpha would I be if I couldn't take on someone like you." they looked at me surprised. "Your an alpha." I nodded. "Ya, but it wasn't my choice. Theis guys chose me. Not the other way around." They still seemed a little shocked. "Well don't you have a mate then?" I frowned. "I don't need a mate to be alpha yet. I don't need one till I'm older."

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