chapter 24

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------------------------------y/n's p.o.v.-------------------------------

I talked to Allister about my static of alpha. He said i still have it and i could have it back any time i wanted it. He did have two wolves travel with me everywhere now. It was comforting. I liked the feeling of having someone there with me.

After some talking to cadenzza she decided to be nice to me and not try to take my head off. She wanted us to go and talk to her council about the alliance. We started our journey we decided to start out on horse to go and visit the new mettey.

So we could remake the phoenix alliance. They wanted to make sure that if phoenix drop was attacked again her son would have people to help fight with them. We ran into one of Ash's old friends.

Apparently he was a someone who used to live in phoenix drop when Aphmau was still there. He talked for a little bit. Then we said goodbye and continued on our journey. We ran into someone called the chicken shamen in the ruins of old mettey.

He was extremely weird. He joined the alliance but we weren't sure he would actually do anything. We continued to travel along the road until we found it. Cadenzza walked us to her house. She was going to have us stay their with her.

She wanted to make sure that we were all safe. She had apparently had some bandit problems as well. We stayed their for a while. Aph had a talk with the people in cadenzas council. Some knew her well but others didnt so much.

They were sceptical about her. I was outside when this was going on. I was walking when someone threw a stone at me. I turned to see a boy their holding more stones. "Get out of here you demon." He threw another at me. My wolfs growled at the boy.

It hit my arm it ripped the skin and i started to bleed. I was mad. Aphmau came out of the house to see the boy throw the stone. She looked at me and seen the look on my face. It was one of pure anger. "Y/n No."

Cadenzza walked out behind her. She seen me growling at the kid. He had dropped the stones and was acting all scared. He was pretending that i threatened him. She looked at me. "Did you threaten this boy."

I didn't answer i wasn't able to. He was a threat and i wasn't letting my guard down. "No he threw a stone at her. I seen it." Aphmau was trying to help me. I walked behind her. Cadenzza walked over to me. She seen the blood on my arm.

She turned to the boy who knew he had screwed up. Apparently he was one of the best behaved children in the village. But this made him the worst because of this one action. "Guards take this boy to his parents. I will be their in a little bit.

We need to have a talk about his actions. He looked terrified. I grabbed my arm. It hurt. I would be used to this but i haven't been brought up used to pain. Aphmau bandiged my arm. She talked to cadenzza about what happened.

I went upstairs to sleep. I needed to calm down and get some rest. I woke up and looked round. I was alone and it was sunrise. I walked out of the room and was greeted by the smell of breakfast downstairs.

When we were eating we were greeted by an invasion of strange creatures attacking the village. The guards rushed me inside then went to help fight. Aphmau went after one of them that took cadenzza. When she returned their was another meeting.

Everyone agreed to supporting the alliance. We headed back to phoenix drop. We wanted to visit some other places. We wanted to make sure that we could get many villages to join the alliance. When we got back we were allowed to take one of the boats.

We were given a small one from alvin and malice. They wanted to help us on our quest. Allister wanted to join us but he had his own things to deal with. We were given food. And water for the journey. We set out to find the next village.

Aphmau seen an island with a house and said to stop. Someone on the island yelled at us. Then we were invited inside. The girl's name was michy. She was a meifwa. Something about her was off. She seemed to talk to herself too much.

Even more that kawaii~chan. I had hidden my ears and tail. We were drinking the tea and eating cookies she made. They were bitter and where nothing compared to kawaii~chan's cooking. Suddenly everyone started to fall asleep.

I tried to stay awake but i had more than some of the others. My wolfs ran to catch me. I heard Michy laugh and say something. When we woke up we where in cells. I looked around to see Aphmau and Katelyn also in cells. All of our stuff was missing. My wolfs where in my cell with me.

Kaylen and Aphmau started to wake up."Hey where are we?" they looked at me and gasped. "What?" I looked up at their heads and seen that they had ears and a tail. "Oh no. no no no." I reached up and felt a different set of ears.

They noticed theirs too. "What did she do to us?" I shook my head. I didn't feel right. There was a sound like a door opening. Suddenly a werewolf walked into the room and looked at us.
Kaytlyn said something and they said something along the lines of 'to fisty and not suitable for the prince.' They looked at me and Aphmau. We were acting calm but where still confused and mad. They knocked us out.

When we woke up we were in a different room and there was a female werewolf their. She looked sad. "So you're the one they choose to show to the prince." We looked at her confused. "Im sorry why are we here?"

She looked at Aphmau who asked the question. "You are to be married to the prince." I looked at her. "But i have my own family to take care of." she looked at me. "Don't talk about them they will be safer if you don't say stuff like that."

I looked at her. She reached to grab me. My wolf was acting out. I swung at her. "Why you little." she called a guard into the room and tried again. I scratched the guard. It was a pretty deep wound. My wolfs growled at her. She seemed surprised. Aph looked at me.

My ears and tail where turning back to normal. When i was normal again she gasped. She ran out of the room. When she came back she had someone with her. It was another Alpha werewolf. He looked at me.

"What is this about. It is just another werewolf." i looked at him. When he seen my ears properly they were two different types. He seen me and gasped. "No it isn't possible." he reached out to me. I swung at him and he reacted by pulling back.

mcd x reader (werewolf) (DISCONTINUED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin