chapter 7

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-------------------------------y/n's p.o.v.---------------------------------

I could hear Garroth and Aaron talking about something. I knocked on aphmau's door. She opened the door. "Hello y/n what brings you here?" I smiled. "I wanted to ask you if you would allow me to go away for a few days to go see my village?" she seemed to know how important this was. "Yes is there anything you need?" I need. "I need food and I want someone to go with me, and i need someone to look after my siblings. They don't need to know that i am going their."

I look at her. "Sure i can ask zoey to watch them. Who do you want to go with you?" I smile weakly. "I was hoping you and your guards would come with." She nodded. "When do you want to leave?" "In a few days. I need time to pack." she nodded. "Ok I will inform my guards about this. They will be ready when you are." I nodded. "Thank you." she smiled. "Your welcome."

-----------------------------------??? P.o.v.-------------------------------

I watched Y/n and the people in this village from a spot up in the trees. They seemed to really get along with each other. I feel my communication amulet vibrate. A voice came from the other side. "Have you located the targit yet?" "Yes the target has been located." The voice replied. "Excellent where is she?" i replied. "In phoenix drop." There was a laugh on the other end. "This is just perfect."

"Sir how do you want to go about this?" he answered. "You just let me handle that." I smiled. "Yes sir. Do you want me to keep an eye on her?" "Eyes make sure nothing happens to her. She will be mine soon. Those fools don't know what they have right their in front of them."

-------------------------------------Y/n's p.o.v.----------------------------

A few days have passed and our furniture has been delivered. Aaron and garroth helped me place it all and decorate the house. I left my brother and sister to decorate their rooms. I grabbed my leg and left a note for my brother and sister that i was leaving for a few days. And that they would be staying with zoey at aphmau's house.

I walked to the gates and waited for everyone else. They showed up shortly after me. Garroth and Aaron, Laurence, Dante and Aphmau. They decided to come with for protection. I had two wolves walking with me. I told the others to protect the people in phoenix drop as if they were me. We decided it would be faster if we rode their.

"Ok let's get going." I nodded and started to lead the way to my home. Aaron rode on my left and Garroth on my right, Dante and Laurence rode with Aphmau, and my wolfs walked ahead. We had a few days of riding ahead of us. Everyone was on guard because their there bandits in the woods. It was weird. Because nobody talked for half of the ride. I looked at Aaron. "I was wondering. How did you meet Aphmau?"

He looked at me. "Well i meet her briefly once before, when I was chasing down a palk of rogue werewolves. They had been attacking villages." i nod understanding the problem. "Anyways they had aph here surrounded and where about to attack. But i stepped in and killed them before they had the chance to get to her. After she thanked me we parted ways but i kept a close eye on her sence. She has a tendency to get into trouble."

she yelled form behind us. "Trouble finds me i don't find it! Oh well at least i'm not the one who falls into holes all the time." Laurence glared at Aph. "Hey it was one time." I smiled I noticed the sun was starting to go down. I yelled back at the others. "Ok it is starting to get dark. Let's hurry up and get to the next town. We don't want to spend the night in the woods here."

they all nodded. We made our horses go faster. Laurence yelled up to everyone. "Hey how about we race their last one pays for the dinner and rooms." I smiled. "Oh your on." I jumped off my horse and told it to go ahead to the village and wait for me. It neid and trotted down the path. My wolfs followed it. "What are you doing." Aphmau asked confused.

I laughed. Then i turned into my wolf form. They all gasped in surprise. "What never seen a werewolf in wolf form before?" They looked surprised. "N-no Logan doesn't change on command. He only change on the full moon." I smiled and got ready to run. "Ready... Set... GO." We all took off I was only using half of my full speed or i would be gone already. I seen Aarons horse catching up with me.

I started to run a little faster pulling ahead of him. He grinded. Garroth and laurence where catching up slowly. Aphmau and dante where farther back. I could tell that they were saving strength for the last leg instead of going all out at first.

I still wasn't going my fastest speed. We could see tha village up ahead. I ran ahead and changed. I kept running. Aphmau and dante started to pick up speed as the others started to fall behind. They looked determined to not be the last one there. I made it their first. Kicking up dust as i stopped. Aphmau and Dante came in second and third. Then Aaron and Garroth.

Laurence came in last. Which i think was his plan in the first place. I smiled. "I win. You should Know i will win all the races." We all laughed and walked into the village. Aphmau walked up to one of the guards and asked if there was a inn we could stay at. He gave us some directions. She thanked him and we went on our way. We left our horses outside the village. They were trained to come when called.

We got the room for one night. After we dropped our stuff off in our room we went to a restaurant that they said had the best food in town. We got seated and ordered our food and waited. Our food came and we all ate contently. We went back to our room and slept the night away.


We all woke up when there was a loud banging noise on our door. The boys grabbed their weapons and stood on guard. "We Know you are in their werewolf." I flattened my ears. "We need to get out of here." They looked at me. "How did they know you where a werewolf?" I shook my head. "I don't know because my ears and tail where hidden. Their is no way they could know."

"What do you want!" There was a pause on the other side of the door. "We just want to talk! Now Give us the werewolf and you can go." they where talking on the other side of the door. "Why do you want her?" Garroth asked. "Just give us the girl!" There was a loud bang on the door. Lawrence looked around the room noticing that there were no windows big enough to fit thu.

"The door is the only way in or out we are going to have to fight our way thru." We all nodd and grab our weapons. I pull out my s/t sword. "Ready when you are." They opened the door to the hallway. Garroth and Aaron charged out and tackled a few of the guards as the rest of us ran down the hallway. They quickly ran after us. The guards ran after us as well.

We made it out of the inn when we were stopped by a bunch of guards waiting for us. I could see that they weren't going to give up without a fight. We got ready to fight our way out. "Stop right there!" I turned around to see who said that.

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