chapter 19

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------------------------y/n's p.o.v.---------------------

I woke up on something soft. I was confused. I opened my eyes. "W-where am I?" I looked around to see a boy sitting next to me. "You're in my room n/n." I looked at him confused. "We were outside and you collapse. I carried you here. Don't you remember?"

I suddenly had a flashback. We were walking in the garden when I didn't feel well and I fell over. I nodded. "Ya I remember." I also remembered his name. "Zane." He looked at me. "Thank you." "Your welcome n/n" He seemed to smiled a real smile.

he had a mask on. I reached up and pulled it down. Gently kissed his lips. He seemed shocked but then he kissed back. He seemed to want more but he pulled away. "y/n do you remember what is in a few days?" I shook my head. "No, I don't I'm sorry."

He seemed to frown. "Our wedding is coming up. We need to buy the dress and try the cakes for the one we want." I remembered. "Oh, I'm sorry I forgot. When do I get to try out the dresses?" he smiled. "We will start tomorrow. Rest for now." he cupped my face gently. "Goodnight n/n." I nodded. "Night Zane."

--------------------Zane's p.o.v.-----------------------

"Goodnight n/n." she nodded. "Night Zane." she fell right asleep. I pulled my mask back up. Now I just need to plant the memories of her into everyone else here. I walked out of the room and laughed. "This is going to be fun."

I started with my parents and went from there. Everyone in town was also given the fake memories. I gave them to the guards as well. I made sure that the potion was permanent and that nothing could break it.

I went back to my room and seen in sleep peacefully on my bed. I had placed memories of her sibling's death with the murderers being the people in Phoenix drop. I wanted her to stay away from theirs.

"I can't wait for the wedding." I kissed her gently. She woke up and smiled. "What's wrong Zane?" I smiled. "Nothing Just admiring your beauty." she smiled. She kissed me and we went to sleep.

When I got up I woke y/n up and told her that my parents want to meet her. I went downstairs I was greeted by my mother and father sitting at the table. They looked at me and smiled. "So who is the lucky lady you decided to marry?" 

I smiled. "I choose y/n." they seemed surprised. "That sweat girl you always hang out with?" I nodded. Mom got up and hugged me. "I was hoping you would choose her. She seems perfect for you." My dad just looked content.

They think they know her but they really don't at all. "I want her to meet you." they nodded. "I will go get her." she was waiting outside my room for me. "You look beautiful" she smiled"Are you ready to go and meet them?" she nodded.

---------------------------y/n's p.o.v.---------------------------

I was woken up by Zane. he told me to get ready to meet his parents. I was a little nervous. I looked around and spotted a dress sitting on a chair next to the bed. I'm guessing that was what he wanted me to ware.

It was a beautiful dress. It was f/c with s/f/c rose patterns across the bottom of the dress and sleeves. I put it on and went outside of the room. I waited for Zayn to come get me. He came down the hallway and stopped in front of me.

"You look beautiful." I smiled. "Are you ready to go meet them?" I nodded. "Ya, I'm ready. Let's not keep them waiting any longer." he nodded and held an arm out for me to take. I grabbed it and we walked to the dining room.

Zane's parents were sitting at the table eating breakfast. When we came in they looked up. Zianna stopped and wiped her face and came over to me. "So you're the one my Zuzu is marrying?" I nodded. "Yes ma'am" she smiled. "You're so cute."

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