New character

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Name: Allister

eye color: golden

personality: Lazy, Secretive, Arrogance, Cassanova, hypocrite, kind-hearted. 

hight: Foot taller than you.

magic: water/ice

Backstory: He was your best friend till a tragic accident. He has been trapped in the nether and turned into a shadow night. they tried to corrupt him into thinking his death was your fault. He didn't believe them because he loved you too much.

When they finally gave up he started to plan his escape. One day while on patrol he came across a portal. It was open and he saw his chance to escape. He jumped thru it and ran out to freedom. He knew that he would have intentions to kill the lord of his last village so he decided to avoid going back there.

 He ended up Traveling around from village to village. He was looking for you. He wanted to see you again. All those years apart had made him miss your smile and your personality. He wanted to find you and talk about what has happened over the seven years he was gone. 

He ended up settling down and starting his own village. He took in many people that had lost their homes. He would send the thieves and murderers into a forest that they would never come out from. He dreamed of finding you.

He waited for you to just show up one day. When he was doing lord stuff one day one of his guards came in and said something about a werewolf in town. they had a law that there where to be no werewolves in town unless they were married to someone in the village. He waited until daylight to go check on it. 

Wolf form:

Wolf form:

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