chapter 22

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I was caught up in thinking that i didn't notice Aphmau standing in front of me. "Y/n. Are you ok?" I looked at her. I shook my head. "No im not ok." Aphmau looked at me. "Whats wrong?" I looked at her.

"I'm in a different time than when i left and im without Zane. He was my protection. He guarded me from the people who wanted my powers." Aph looked at me. "Y/n I'm not sure that is how it was. I think he wanted you all to himself for what you are not who you are."

I glared at her. "I know him better than you do. So how would you know." She looked mad. Aphmau was about to do something when Zoey stopped her. "Aph don't. She is acting this way because the potion."

I looked at her. "I don't need your help." I started to walk away. I ran into someone i despised. Allister. "Y/n?" I looked up and glared at him. "What do you want murderer." He seemed to flinch at my words. As if they hurt his feelings.

"I wanted to see if the rumor was true." I started to walk again. Someone grabbed me. "Where do you think you are going." I turned and glared at him. "Don't touch me." they let go and backed off. "What happened to you y/n?"

He looked sad and scared. "Me nothing happened to me. I just grew up." they were looking at me. "What are you staring at?" Lawrence looked at me. "Y-your a d-demon?" I looked at my body. I had grey skin. I didn't know this would happen.

"Do you have a problem with that?" They shook their heads. "Didn't think so." I started to walk away and this time i just fell over. I couldn't move my body i was so tired. "Someone get her up to the tree. I could see someone walk over.

I growled as they picked me up. "Oh don't start and just accept the help." I layed there I was like a doll. I couldn't move anything. They walked me to the base of a huge tree. They put me on their back and started up the tree. I happened to fall asleep on the way up.

When i woke up the sun was just rising on the horizon. I went over to watch it rise. I wanted to get out of here but i know i wouldn't get very far. Not only because im pregnant but also because the the people here want to keep me away from Zane.

I felt alone. I wanted to have someone to talk to but i couldn't trust anyone here. They got me into this situation in the first place. I wanted to get away from them as soon as possible. I started my way down the tree. I was going to explore and find a way out.

I started to walk around the village. I was hungry. I wanted something other than an apple for breakfast. I Hear someone else. "I know you are their." The figure sighed and came into my view. "Guess i can't watch you without you knowing."

I looked at him. "Wow stalker much?" He Looked at me. "That's not what i meant." I look around. "I'm hungry." He tossed me something. It was an apple. "Ug more apples?" He looked amused. "Its healthy. Plus you need the nutrition."

he gestured down to my stomach. So he was the one who grabbed me. "So you know then?" he nodded. "Don't tell anyone." He looked confused. "Why not." I gave him the 'are you stupid look'. "Oh right Zane's the dad got ya."

He nodded. He seemed to want to add more but he didn't. The town started to become busy. I walked around some more and watched people from a distance. I didn't want to get to close to anyone.

------------------time skip 1 month-------------------

I have been talking with some of the people more. Aphmau seems nice but i still don't trust her. We wanted to open the irene dimension to get Garroth and Zane out. Aphmau was starting to act weird. It was weird because everyone seemed to be doing it around me.

I was starting to get worried. I was just hoping they haven't found out about me. I was walking around. I found a spot to sit down and relax. I needed some alone time. I sat their for a while.

Someone was walking by on the path above. They stopped and looked at me. "What are you doing down there?" I looked up at them. "I was relaxing." He was a werewolf as well. I think i heard about him. I think his name is yip.

Ya thats it. "Oh ok." He walked off. I got up and climbed the tree. I was told about a meeting they where having and i was asked to come to it. When i got up their everyone was standing around.

-------------------small timeskip---------------

Aphmau had told everyone that she was starting a new village. I agreed to travel with her till we get them out of the irene dimension. She was happy. I do need to tell her about the pregnancy tho. I don't think she will be very happy. I decided now was better than later.

After we dispersed from the meating i walked after Aphmau. "Aph i need to talk to you." she looked at me. "Can we talk latter? I have some stuff i need to do." I shook my head. "It is kinda really important you hear this." she stopped to look at me. "Ok what about?"

I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "Im pregnant." she looked at me shocked. Everyone around heard what i said and they had the same reaction. "WHAT?!" Someone fell out of the tree. We were distracted by it for a second. Allister was laying on the ground in shock.

"Is he ok?" I walked over and poked him. He didn't respond. "My guess is probably not." they turned their attention back to me. "What do you mean your pregnant?" I look at her. "I mean I am going to have a kid." She still seemed to be in shock.

I looked at her. "You ok aph?" she didn't respond. I poked her cheek. She still did not respond. Aaron walked up behind me. "Great you broke them." I looked back to see Allister was still on the ground frozen.

I sighed. "Well i told them at least." I walked around and talked to people. I was walking when someone hugged me. "Y/n." I swung with my first reaction. The pearson let go. "Oww what was that for?" I looked at them.

"Do i know you?" They seemed hurt by my words. "Y/n it's me Autumn your friend?" i shook my head. "I'm sorry i don't know you." they seemed to get even sadder. "Oh sorry." Aphmau came running down the tree. "Y/n why didn't you tell me this news earlier?!?"

I looked at her. "Because i knew you would act like this." she looked at me. "Im not acting like anything." Laurence was behind her. "You are acting irrational Aph. Just calm down." she looked at him. "How am i supposed to calm down?"

I decide it would be best to avoid her for the time being. I started to walk off when i ran into someone. It was Allister. "Why didn't you tell me?" I looked at him. "Why would i tell you." he looked me dead in the eyes. "Because you are still my alpha."

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