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Okay, so you probably wonder why there was suddenly an uptade Notification for this Jerrie fanfiction, since it's been over for a while.

I was reading through the first book of this series and it made me realize how much I miss Jerrie and Little Mix in general. Yes, I wrote Heart Attack and I have RTF currently, but my heart still belongs to this book series and so I thought: Why not continue it? *excited*

I'm not sure how Jerries story in this book series will continue, but I hope you're as excited as I am for book 4! I don't have a name yet, but I will come up with one.

Of course what you can expect for book 4 tho is the fact that their child is also gonna be a big factor. Jade and Perrie are still superstars and now they have a child, so there's probably gonna be some drama ;)

If the new book will turn out as good as the first 3 I will consider doing a 5 and so on :D I'm really excited and I hope you are, too!

This was actually supposed to be a surprise in general, because so many new people have shown so much love for the book series AND there even were some who re-read it! But I also hit 800 followers so this basically is a thank you also ❤

You can expect the first chapter and the story in general as soon as I've re-read the other two books, maybe even tonight!

Tell me what you think and if you have any requests on what should happen, leave a comment! 😍

Jerrie // Falling Around You [Book 3]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt