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Emma furiously shoved the stained bedding into the washing machine. Time and time again Regina had told her NOT to practise magic without her there to guide her but Emma being Emma of course didn't listen and now - now she was going to pay. As quick as possible, Emma poured in half the container of washing up liquid, slamming the drawer shut and turning the machine on just in time for the front door to close.

"Emma? Honey, are you home?" Regina called out into the empty mansion that was 108 Mifflin Street.
After a few more moments of silence Regina called out once more.
"Emma Swan-Mills. Your car is outside. I know you're here."

"Shit." Muttered Emma under her breath. As soon as her full name was used by Regina, she knew she was in deep trouble.
Emma quickly ran up the stairs from the laundry room and met with Regina in the hallway where the older woman was in the process of taking off her 4 inch black stilettos.

"Oh hey Gina. Didn't realise you were gonna be back so early." The younger woman replied sheepishly, giving the brunette a peck on the cheek before stepping back and looking down.

"What have you done?" Regina smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing! I-I was j-just doing some washing and stuff..." Emma mumbled downwards, staring at the laces of her shoes. Suddenly, she felt a finger lift her chin upwards until forest green met chocolate brown. A smile played at Regina's rich red lips, her eyes flickering with playfulness as she realised just how guilty and scared Emma truly was.
"What did you do baby? I know that look." The brunette smiled softly.

The young blonde melted slightly at the pet nickname, her guilt and fear washing away momentarily.
"I kinda accidentally spilt hot chocolate all over the bedding. I'm sorry, I was just so tired and I was being really lazy so I thought I could just magic myself a cup but I got distracted and couldn't control it. Next thing I know, there's hot chocolate everywhere and oh God Gina, I'm so super sorry! I'll make it up to you I promi-"

The younger woman was cut off by a pair lips gently pressing against her own. A gasp escaped her lips as the brunette smiled into the kiss.
"Baby, you were rambling." Regina laughed, pulling back from the kiss to look in to the blonde's sea green eyes.
"And what did I tell you about using magic you can't control huh?" She whispered gently into the younger woman's ear.

Emma's eyebrows lifted in surprise, her lips forming an 'o' shape. She definitely did not expect Regina to be so calm about the whole matter, especially after she had established the no food and drink rule in the bedroom after last months accident (when she had dropped pizza on the white satin sheets during a Netflix marathon.)
"You're not mad are you?" The blonde asked sheepishly.

The brunette giggled. "You may be a princess back in the enchanted forest but you sure as hell don't have the composure of one, I knew that when I married you baby." Regina gently pressed her lips against the blonde's neck.
"And anyways, I find your clumsiness... cute."
She breathed out against her skin as she continued to kiss upwards towards Emma's jaw.

Emma smiled back at the brunette, a small moan escaping her lips as her lover's lips reached her own again, locking together soft but firmly.
"Now, let me go check out the damage,while you go and make a start on dinner huh?" The brunette giggled once more as she pulled away from the taller woman, making her way towards the stairs and leaving Emma confused at the bottom of the stairs.

Regina made her way up the staircase and to the third door on the right, their bedroom. Taking a deep breath in, and mentally preparing herself for the worst, the brunette finally opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to find that the room wasn't too bad itself. Regina twisted her hand in the air causing a flood of purple smoke to engulf the room, and once it cleared, the room was as it had been before. She smiled at her handiwork before making her way to the closet to get changed.


When Regina finally came downstairs and entered the kitchen, she was once more surprised to find that Emma had already laid out the table, lit some candles, poured out the wine and made a start on dinner. Usually Regina was the chef of the household but it seems that the blonde was trying especially hard to please her Queen after her earlier incident. Regina inwardly smiled at how thoughtful her princess was before entering the kitchen and grabbing the blonde from behind. Although the couple were virtually the same height, Emma was still slightly taller, and so the brunette had to reach up on her tiptoes to rest her chin on the blonde's shoulders as she snaked her arms around her waist.
" hmm, this smells good baby." Regina hummed into the blonde's back.

" well, anything to please my Queen" the blonde giggled back in reply as she furiously whisked away at the mash, making it smooth. Emma placed the bowl and the whisk down before turning around to meet her wife. She wrapped her arms around the brunette and pulled her flush against her before snuggling into her neck and taking in the smell of her wife's classic apple shampoo. The pair stood still like that for a few moments, unable to bring themselves to release each other until they were broken apart by the timer on the oven.

"Well, the lamb is done. I better get it out before I ruin that too." The blonde joked as she pulled away from her wife, taking the tray out of the oven and placing it on the side.


Once dinner was poured the two sat down opposite each other, eating, talking and drinking by candle light. Although the night was not romantic, and the couple had been together for a long time now, it was hard for the couple to not make it so. After all, neither woman had truly experienced love like this until now and they wanted every moment in each other's presence to be cherished.

AN: just a lil swanqueen fluff there to get the feels going

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