Discretion is key

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"Ma? Mom? Violet's here!" Henry hollered loudly, his big booming voice echoing off the walls as he opened the door of the mayoral mansion, letting in the girl. Regina and Emma shared a small smile at their son's eagerness for this family movie night before making their way out of the kitchen, wine glasses in hand, in the direction of the living room where Henry and Violet were already setting up.

"Oh Hi Miss Mills, Miss Swan." Violent waved shyly, earning a laugh from Henry.

"Ow!" Regina slapped the boy's head in reprimand, giving a small smile to the obviously shy girl.

"Hello Violet, it's nice that you could join us, please excuse my son's rude behaviour and please, call me Regina." Emma smirked at the brunette's greeting before introducing herself.

"And yeah, just call me Emma" she grinned, noticing the girl relax.
"So kid, what movie have you got picked out for the Swan-Mills movie night?" She asked, ungraciously plopping herself down on the two-seater, almost spilling the contents of her glass. This earned a glare from Regina, whom in turn, gently sat next to the blonde, legs folded in a pair of yoga pants, with her wine glass resting easily on top of her knee.

"Erm... How about the Avengers or Deadpool?" Henry asked, looking at Violet rather than his blonde mother, knowing that she wouldn't mind either way.

"Deadpool?" Violet replied quizzically, not entirely sure what either of those two words meant. Henry laughed before inserting the dvd and taking a seat on the larger sofa with Violet, snuggled up in blankets.

"Mom, did you guys sort out the snacks whilst you guys were in the kitchen?" Henry looked between the two women sitting shoulder to shoulder, looking incredibly close on the love seat.
"Oh, yes sorry Henry, we'll go get it." Regina flashed her son a smile before heading off in the direction of the kitchen, with the blonde in tow.

Henry smirked at his mothers as the walked back in together, each clutching a bowl of popcorn and sweets. Regina handed her bowl over to the two teenagers before once more residing on her two-seater, under a blanket with the blonde.

Henry pressed play on the movie but watched out of the corner of his eye how his two mothers snuggled closer together under the blanket, completely oblivious to how obvious they were being. The brunette boy rolled his eyes before returning his attention back to the movie.


As the movie drew towards the end, Emma abruptly stood, startling both Henry and Violet.

"Well guys...it's getting late and I gotta head back." Emma said, stretching her arms out behind her head.

"What? Ma, come on! There's only like twenty minutes left." Henry whined, twisting his body away from the tv to face his mother whom was already in the process of putting on her jacket to leave.

"Now Henry, it is late and Ms Swan has work in the morning." Regina replied on behalf of the blonde, also getting up and smoothing out her top with one hand and holding onto her empty wine glass with the other.
"And I think I might be getting to bed too, Swan, shall I walk you to the door?" Regina smiled towards the blonde, ignoring the stares from her teenage son and his girlfriend.

"Don't stay up too late Hen, bye Violet, it was nice to hang." Emma nodded in the direction of the two kids still on the floor, her eyes refusing to leave Regina's.

Henry took note of this, smiling inwardly at his mothers' new closeness that was blatantly obvious to everyone except them.
The two women said goodnight to the pair before making their way out of the living room.

"So..." Emma started.

"So." A small smile crept up on to the brunette's face as she took in Emma's sudden shyness.
"Why don't you make your way up and I'll join you." Regina offered, taking the pale hand of her lover into her own.

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