Good girl

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Regina lifted up the stack of books sprawled out all over her bed.
"God dammit Emma! Do you ever pick anything up? I swear I'm dating a child..." she shook her head, glaring at the young blonde whom was still haphazardly lying across the mass of books she had laid out almost an hour ago when she began 'studying'.

"Babe chill, I'll pick it up soon." Emma rolled over to face the frustrated brunette, a smirk pulling at her lips. She enjoyed the view of her lover's large rump as she bent over to pick up a few stationary items that had made their way onto the floor.

"You better not be staring at my ass Emma. You should have been studying for your finals like you promised." Regina's eyes narrowed into slits when the blonde failed to reply.

When she turned around, Emma was sat bolt up, legs crossed with the most innocent face she could possibly muster.
"Yes Miss Mills." She smirked.

Regina rolled her eyes again, something that seemed to happen more and more the longer she spent time with the cheeky blonde.
Pushing the remaining books to one side, Regina crawled her way into the bed before facing her lover.
"Miss Swan..." A brow quirked upwards as she watched Emma's face flush a barbie-like pink.
"Need I remind you that if you fail my class tomorrow, you will not be getting any special treatment."

A soft sigh escaped the blonde's lips. "Of course Gina, I understand. But I did study really hard, especially for my girlfriend's class." She smiled sitting up slightly as to tower over the brunette before wrapping her arms around Regina's neck, pulling her in close.

"Hmmm... I'd hope so." A small smile made it way onto ruby red lips as the brushed softly against pale ones. Her neck cranes upwards in desperate reach for her young lover as Emma's hand slid upwards from her neck and into her thick head of hair, stopping every so often to tug at a thick lock.

"We have to stop." Regina breathed out between kisses. Her hands pulled away from the blonde but her head still remained resting against the blonde. It was a pitiful attempt, this Regina knew, as the blonde continued her attack at Regina's silky skin, working her way down and across her jaw before stopping at her neck. A soft moan escaped Regina's lips as she tried to pull away from Emma's delicious attack at her neck which had now left a nice purple mark.
"Emma, I'm serious, please." She breathed out the words so softly that the got lost in the thick mane of Emma's blonde locks that were now splayed across her ragged chest.

After another few, long, pleasurable moments, Emma finally pulled away and looked deep into whisky brown eyes.
"If I do good tomorrow will you reward me?"

"Mhm... if your as talented with your writing as you are with that mouth, I'm sure you will receive a rather large reward indeed." The brunette smirked, softly using the pad of her thumb to wipe the remnants of her red lipstick from the blonde's chin.

"I can't wait." The blonde gleaned like a child, causing Regina to chuckle. Emma quickly pulled out her English books, just to prove so, before turning to page 108.
"So if we can't have sex now, can you at least help me revise this?" She cocked her head to the side, pulling her very best puppy-eyes on the brunette. "...that's if it is on the test?"

Regina shook her head in disapproval. "You know I can't tell you what's on the test sweetheart. That just wouldn't be fair would it." Her hand reached out to cup the blonde's cheek, the action to which Emma happily obliged, nuzzling further into the hand, her eyes fluttering in bliss.
"But... I can help you revise my love."

"I love you Regina Mills."

"I love you too sweetheart."


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