Big girls dont cry

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An au based off the song Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie (used in italics)

It wasn't supposed to end like this. Emma has finally built up the courage to love freely after all those years of heartache and abandonment and was going to propose to her beautiful girlfriend of 5 years but it seemed like fate had other plans. Regina. Regina Mills. God, she loved that woman more than she had loved anyone else ever before, and now she was gone because of one silly mistake.

The smell of your skin lingers on me now
You're probably on your flight back to your home town

It was a Thursday night, date night, a night set aside so that once a week they could just be together with no work, no family, and no drama to interfere. But of course, for the fifth time in a row Emma had missed it, being too busy at work, or at least that's what she told Regina last night when she came home at 11.00pm to a cold and dark house, Regina in her new lingerie, fast asleep on the couch with an empty bottle of wine at her feet. God, she knew she had screwed up but the nerves had been getting to her ever since she had bought that engagement ring nearly four months ago, still burning a hole in the pocket of her red leather jacket. Her heart ached so badly as she drew nearer to her girlfriend to see tear marks down her face. She never meant to hurt her, she was just so anxious, after all as a foster kid, she never had two loving parents to look up to or get advice from on how to love. It was Regina who had taught her to let her guard down and embrace love.

With a sigh, Emma leant down, pulling the blanket from the edge of the couch over her girlfriend before dropping a kiss to her forehead. Regina sighed contently before her eyes fluttered open, furrowing suddenly at the sight of the blonde. Perhaps it was the tears or the vast amounts of wine she had drowned her sorrows in earlier, but her vision blurred slightly and she wasn't sure if her Emma was really there, after all, she hadn't been for the past few months.
Her voice was hoarse and croaky as she sat up, pushing the blanket off her form and shivering slightly at the cold. It was only then she remembered that she had passed out, partly from the exhaustion of waiting on Emma Swan and partly from the wine, and so was still adorned in her pretty new lingerie she had purchased especially for tonight. Regina was all too aware of how withdrawn Emma had been recently and so this 'show' was meant to be a last attempt to perhaps draw the blonde back in. She wasn't entirely sure. Shaking her head away of anymore thoughts, she wrapped the blanket back around her self before rising rather unsteadily to face the blonde.
"What are you doing here?" Regina's brown furrowed further as she crossed her arms across her chest, holding the blanket around her tighter and just about keeping herself together too.

"I'm sorry I'm so late baby. I thou-"

"You thought what?" Regina quickly cut the blonde off, taking a step back at the blonde drew nearer, stumbling slightly into the arm of the couch. Although the alcohol still faintly flowed through her blood, the anger that pulsated through her at this very instance quickly sobered her. Why the hell was her girlfriend late - again.
"This is getting ridiculous Emma. What the hell are you doing out so late all the damn time? Huh? You got some other whore that you'd rather spend your time with? I-I can't keep doing this... t-this is so unhealthy..." she paced the floors, turning away from the blonde who stood hopelessly watching from a distance.
"God, Look at us. Look at me! This isn't me... this isn't us Emma... you're not here, you're not real." The loathing and disgust was thick in her voice as she shook her head, willing the tears to stay put. She couldn't be weak.

"What do you mean baby? There is no one but you!" Emma took a shaky step forward, her hands desperately reaching out for her girlfriend but Regina quickly shook her off causing Emma to frown down at her feet.

"It's me isn't it? You don't want to be near me anymore, you can't look at me anymore. God, do you even love me? Why am I trying?" Anger pulsed through her veins as she sighed, dragging a hand through her dark tresses.

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