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It had been a hell of a long day and Emma was more than ready to go home to her beautiful little family. Her and Regina had decided to take the plunge into parenthood last year, resulting in their handsome little 10 month old Henry, who could bring out the largest of smiles on Emma's face even on a day like this. As a small town sheriff, one would think that there wouldn't be many issues to deal with, especially in such a quaint place like Storybrooke, but boy was Emma wrong; she had spent almost half the day in pursuit of teenage vandals and the rest of the day dealing with the town drunk Leroy and was more than ready to go home and snuggle up with a hot cocoa, her wife and their son.

Emma sighed as she put the key into the lock of their townhouse door, twisting it slightly. As the door opened the comforting smell of cinnamon and a fusion of her wife's delicious cooking wafted over, hitting Emma's senses and making her stomach grumble. With all the chaos today, the poor sheriff had not even had the chance to eat, making her even grumpier than usual.

A sudden cry of hysteria echoed through the house, filling Emma with an overwhelming sense of dread and fear. Whipping her head around like a maniac, all feelings of fatigue long forgotten, the sheriff frantically searched for the source of the cries, her fear only doubling when she realised it was the sound of her wife.

"REGINA? GINA!" Emma's hearted pounded in her chest and blood rushed in her ears as she sped across the foyer into the living room where she finally came across her wife and son.
Regina was sat on the floor cross legged with their son in her lap facing his bawling brunette mother.

"Baby are you okay? Are you hurt? Is Henry alright? Do you need to go to hospital?" The words poured out of the blonde's mouth almost incoherently as she threw herself on the floor next to her wife, eyes darting up and down in search of a wound or injury on her two favourite people. At last her emerald eyes settled on the features of her wife's face that was now red with streaming tears before a small giggle bubbled out of the brunette's lips.

"No we're fine, I'm sorry, I'm just so happy." Regina continued to cry even though a smile splayed across her burgundy lips.

"Wait...what?" Emma shook her head in confusion, looking between the faces of the squealing baby and her wife.

"H-he called me m-mama!" Regina beamed, wiping away the tears from her face.

Emma exhaled a deep breath she didn't even realise she had been holding. "Oh God. Seriously babe? I nearly had a heart attack! I thought you or Henry were hurt!" Emma mock scowled, rolling her eyes at her melodramatic wife but secretly trying to hide the smirk beginning to play at her lips.

"Hey!" Regina slapped Emma's arm playfully, rolling her own eyes at the blonde. "It's a big moment." She pouted.

"I know it is baby, you just scared me is all." The blonde replied, wrapping her arms around her wife and their son, squeezing them.

"Just you wait until he says it to you, then you won't be making fun of me." Regina sighed into her wife's shoulders a pout still on her lips as she reached up to give her wife a kiss.

"Yeah right drama queen." Emma scoffed earning another glare from the brunette.

Henry squealed, clapping his tiny squidgy hands in agreement causing both mothers to laugh at his adorableness.

"Mamamamama" The jumbled up words poured out of the baby's mouth as he reached up at his brunette mother's, little wriggling fingers itching to touch her soft cheek.

"Oh come on Emma! How could I not cry? Did you see how cute that was?" Regina raised a questioning eyebrow at the blonde before grabbing Henry's chubby hands that were now clasped onto both of her cheeks, squeezing them in the most adorable way possible.

"Well of course he's cute, he came from you and you're cute." Emma shrugged. A small smile grew on her lips as she watched her wife out of the corner of her eye, still focusing on the face of the 10 month old.

Regina stared down her wife, a questioning eyebrow raised. "Really?"

"Yep" Emma's smile turned into a full on beam as she leaned  in to kiss the brunette's cheek softly, all the fatigue and grumpiness from her crappy day melting away in the presence of her two loves.

This is what she lived for.
This is what made her days better.
This was her family.


I'm not entirely sure what this was but it's fluffy and cute? Shall I do something a lil bit more...smutty next?
Let me know!


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