Dinner with the Charmings

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Emma's pov

I paced the room eagerly, ready to leave as soon as Regina had finished her extensive beauty regime. God I loved her but she sure as hell took her time to get ready.
"Baby hurry up, my parents are gonna be waiting" I whined, causing Regina to roll her eyes as she applied a final layer of deep red lipstick.

"Beauty takes time" she simply muttered back, closing the small mirror and placing into her bag.
"I know, I know but you're already so beautiful." I murmured softly into the back of her neck as I wrapped my arms around her from behind. I felt her melt into my touch, whimpering slightly at the loss of contact from her neck as I moved my head upwards to lean on her shoulder.
In these past few weeks of peace since we had escaped Neverland, I had really fallen in love with Regina, my Queen. I guess it just took us both almost losing Henry to finally come together, even if it is still a secret.

I felt Regina wriggling in my arms attempting to turn and face me. The cool touch of her soft hands against my skin brought me out of my thoughts.
"What are you thinking about?" She sighed, looking longingly in my eyes.

"Us." My reply was short and snappy, causing Regina to flinch.
"I know that I don't know how to love very well Gina but you make me feel different. And it's getting really hard to fight those feelings and push them down so that nobody finds out." I sighed. I truly was happy with Regina but I didn't want us to hide forever.

"I know, I know. Let's just see how this dinner goes with your parents and let them get used to the idea of me being around before we throw anything too wild at them, ok?" She smiled reassuringly, her chocolate brown eyes glazed over as we stared deeply into each other's souls.
"And by the way babe, you might want to cover up your neck." She smirked, pulling up my collars to cover the deep purple bruises peppered across my neck and collarbone.
I nodded my head playfully before grabbing her hands and leading her out of her bedroom- otherwise we'd be in here forever.


Regina's pov

I looked down at my hands; Emma's hand gently squeezing mine in my lap as she drove with the other.
"Like you said, it'll be fine. We can just tell them we've turned over a new leaf and that we're friends." She smiled towards me before turning her attention back to the road.

Before I knew it, we had pulled up outside of the Charming's apartment and were ready to go in. Giving Emma's hand one last squeeze before I had to let go, I got out of the car and walked up the stairs to their apartment, Emma lagging slightly behind.
"They're your parents, shouldn't you be ahead?" I asked cynically, one eyebrow raised.
Emma shrugged before stepping ahead of me and knocking on the door.

Within a matter of seconds the door flew open, revealing a very overjoyed Snow and David. They both hugged their daughter before turning their attention to me. To my surprise, my old enemies hugged me just as they did with Emma before welcoming me in. Emma tugged her coat off, quickly throwing it on the couch before making her way into the kitchen where Henry was situated, eagerly reading over that damned Once Upon A Time storybook.

I rolled my eyes at my blonde's childishness, before picking up her coat and mine and hanging them up.
"Oh Regina, you didn't have to do that" Snow smiled sweetly. I pulled my face into a tight smile. It was really hard to be nice to her after all these years of hatred.
"It's no bother Snow."

"Hey Gina, come to the kitchen!" Emma yelled suddenly, gaining a few raised eyebrows from her parents due to the use of the new nickname.

I smiled sheepishly at the two before quickly making my way over to the annoying blonde.


Emma's pov

"OUCH" I whisper yelled as Regina jabbed me in the ribs as she walked past to go hug Henry.

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