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AN: I'm not sure where this one was going but it's quite funny to write about a drunk Regina so...

"Oh come on Sis

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"Oh come on Sis. I've known you for long enough now, so, who is it?" Zelena smirked, topping off Regina's fourth glass of Scotch. The redhead had been careful to stay sober enough that night, only allowing herself small sips of the smooth Scotch, (and so she was only on her second glass), but she was eager to find out who this mystery man was in Regina's life, and she knew that if she got Regina drunk enough, she'd easily be able to find out.

"Wha-at? I do- not like anyone." Regina chuckled drunkenly, swinging her glass around haphazardly and causing a few drips of the amber liquid to slosh out. Now, sober Regina would have been royally pissed (no pun intended) if someone spilt some of her good Scotch onto her expensive red rug, but this drunken mess Regina was a giddy, happy drunk.

Zelena lay back, her manicured nails tapping gently on her thigh as she drummed up a plan to get her little sister to talk. She eyed the brunette carefully, watching her smile down at her phone every time it lit up. A plan sprung to the wicked sister's mind, and for plan to work, she needed that phone.
"Hey, why don't you go get that special bottle you promised to show me?" Zelena asked, observing the brunette sway slightly as she nodded, getting up and heading to the large black showcase where her most precious drinks were held.
Zelena took the opportunity to swipe her phone, which Regina had carelessly left on the floor next to the armchair she was previously occupying. The redhead waved her fingers over the phone, unlocking it with her magic before beginning to swipe through her messages, the most recent one from the Saviour herself. Zelena held in a snigger as she heard Regina crashing about rather un-gracefully before turning her attention to the messages. She scrolled down, rolling her eyes at the banter the former Evil Queen and Saviour had shared via messages. So this was the mystery man- or should she say woman- that had been making Regina smile all night?

Zelena was astonished. Her sister, the Evil Queen was in love with the Saviour, her former arch enemies' very own daughter?
"This is bloody ridiculous" The redhead laughed to herself. Quickly, she tapped out a message to the blonde:

Hey Swan, can you come over? We need to talk... it's important.
-Regina x

Zelena smirked smugly before hitting send and throwing her sister's phone back in the rug where she found it. Just at that moment, Regina returned, swaying still as she sat down with a limited edition Whiskey. The bottle was old and dusty, and covered with a red and black label. It looked very expensive and Zelena felt bad making the brunette open it.
"Maybe we should slow down a little." Zelena laughed nervously, watching her sister, who was beyond tipsy at this point, struggle to twist the cap off the bottle.

"Oh come on.... I jus got it open." Regina smiled, concentrating really hard to pour the darker amber liquid into hers and Zelena's crystal glasses.

At that moment the doorbell rang. Regina looked up at the clock before turning to face her sister with confusion.
"Who's that now... itsss almost 11?" Regina slurred slightly, steadying herself as she prepared to get up.

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