Her handsome hero

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"Lola? LOLA! Oh God... momma is gonna be so mad at me."
A small boy muttered, a head full of thick brown hair whipping furiously from side to side as he scanned over the park, from the swing sets to the tall trees afar that guarded the little sanctuary. Hazel eyes zoned in on the chocolate coloured dog bounding happily in the field, paying no attention to the little boy's call.
The boy's voice finally caught the attention of the culprit fiend, along with majority of the park goers attention, in particular a young blonde jogger, passing by.
"Hey kid, that your dog over there?"
Emma knelt down next to the small boy, catching his attention. Curiosity sparkled in his hazel eyes as cautiously took in the appearance of the stranger. Her blonde hair, slipped back in to a ponytail fell down past her shoulders and she seemed to be dressed in some sort of workout outfit. She seemed kind enough the boy concluded, although his mother's warning of stranger danger still lingered in the back of his head.
"Are you gonna kidnap me?"
He questioned, a small brow quirking and earning a chuckle from the blonde.

"Dang it! You foiled my plan." Emma joked, a mirthful grin plastered on her face as the boy's eyes grew in fear.
"I'm kidding! Don't worry I just wanted to help you with your dog, I promise. I'm Emma by the way." She grinned, holding a hand out for the boy to shake.

"Erm... I'm Henry." The boy muttered. "Can you help me catch Lola before my momma finds out, she's gonna be so mad."

Emma nodded in affirmation, her eyes scanning the park for a dog until the boy squealed, pointing to the bounding brown coloured dog headed their way.
"There she is! Quick! Catch her Emma, catch her!"

Emma sprung into action, her days chasing down culprits as a bail bonds woman making the chase an ease. Quickly, she grabbed the dog by the red collar, surprised by her friendliness and taking her back over to the little boy.

"Aren't you a little young to be walking such a big dog kid?" She said, slightly breathless.

"No! I'm five, momma said I'm a big boy but she wouldn't let me hold Lola so I just took her for a little bit." He shrugged nonchalantly. Emma smirked at the boy, shaking her head because this was the exact type of thing she would have done as a kid, and yes, it was adorable as hell.

"Well how about we find your mom and get Lola and you back to her, I'm sure she's pretty worried kid."

As if right on cue, the voice of a less than pleased woman rang out into the air: "HENRY DANIEL MILLS! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"...And I'm guessing that's your mom huh?"

Henry nodded solemnly, wincing slightly at the sound of his mother's voice. She was more than mad; she was absolutely furious.

"Momma! I'm here!" He called out, catching his mother's attention rather quickly.

Fiery mocha eyes zoned in on her petulant son, dog and some blonde woman before Regina Mills made her way over to said scene.  Mother and son stood in a silent standoff, neither making the first move as Emma watched awkwardly. Henry, bracing for a scolding suddenly felt soothing arms around him and his mother's voice laced with worry in his ear.
"Henry! I was so worried about you, how many times must I tell you it's not safe for you to take Lola by yourself." Regina closed her eyes, squeezing her son to her chest and basking in the sweet smell of shampoo wafting from her son's head.

"Ahem." Emma coughed awkwardly, kicking a foot in the dirt, trying not to stare at the adorable interaction between the two.
"Sorry to interrupt, I'm Emma." She stuck her hand out, rosy cheeks dusted in embarrassment as the pretty brunette stood up, eyeing her.
"I erm... saw your son in trouble so I helped him get your dog back, I hope you don't mind."

With a quirked eyebrow, very similar to her son's, Regina took the hand of her blonde hero.
"Thank you, I'm Regina."

"No problem...well I better get going, Erm... bye Henry, it was nice meeting you Regina." Emma smiled, turning to leave but not before that tawny hand that was still attached to hers pulled her back ever so gently.

"Wait! Let me buy you a coffee? I mean, you did help my son." She shrugged, looking down towards their attached hands before quickly letting go, only now realising how weird it must seem to the complete stranger.

"Yeah! Emma stay! You saved me and Lola! You're our handsome hero!"Henry bounced with glee.

Regina smiled down at the boy, ruffling his hair. This was no time to correct the boy, because Emma was indeed handsome, if not gorgeous.
"You're right Hen, she is."

Hazel eyes met emerald and for a moment, it felt like the world stopped.

Slowly, Emma's eyes pulled away from the bewitching brunette to a pair of equally inquisitive eyes, both matching a doe-like look that seemed quite impossible to say no to.

And with one word it seemed like a whole new adventure had begun. A smile pulled at Emma's lips as she walked alongside the beautiful brunette and kid, her heart fluttering at the possibility of something more; she was their handsome hero after all.

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