Swan-mills group chat 2

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Regina~ Emma I need you

Emma~ sure, what's up?

Emma~ hold up. Did you just call me Emma? And not Miss Swan?

Regina~ I'm serious I NEED you right now

Emma~ in what way your Majesty?😏

Regina~ don't make me say it

Emma~ well use your new found knowledge of emojis then😉

Regina~ ugh. Miss swan you are impossible

Emma~ come on Gina... you know what I want

Regina~ I refuse

Emma~ come on, I know you want to...😋

Regina~ fine. I want you to 😝

Emma~ I need more details...


Henry~ oh god! THIS IS A GROUP CHAT


Emma~ oh shit. Fuck. Shit.

Henry~ exactly

Regina~ oh my god

Regina~ Oh dear god no

Henry~ where's a forgetting potion when you need one

Emma~ sorry kid

Regina~ this is why I never text

Regina~ I apologise Henry dear

Henry~ um... yeah I'm just gonna leave now...

~Henry SwanMills has left the chat~

Emma~ well... that wasn't awkward or anything...


Emma~ anyways, you were saying?😏

Regina~ seriously Miss Swan?

~Regina Mills has left the chat~

Emma~ ok then.... maybe not

~Emma Swan has left the chat~

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