Just friends

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Regina Mills wasn't your typical popular girl. Sure, she had the friends, did all the school clubs and was adored by every boy and girl at school but Regina Mills never ever dated. It seemed like nobody was ever good enough for her. At first, this wouldn't put people off, at first she was asked out in dates left right and centre, girls and boys alike, but by junior year it seemed that everybody got the message: Regina Mills is completely and utterly off limits. Rumours were spread of course, some said that she already had a secret boyfriend in college, whilst others thought it was because she had something wrong with her. Neither of theses rumours were true of course, it's just that Regina really didn't like anyone. That was until Emma Swan joined the school that senior year. Ever since, Emma Swan's arrival, Regina hasn't been able to think of anyone else. Her cheeks burned bright, almost the same colour as her deep plum lips as she smiled dreamily out of the window, the mysterious blonde once more on her mind.

"Regina? Regina Mills? Earth to Regina bloody Mills!!!" Her red headed sister screeched into her ears, her accent still thick and British although she had moved back to the country years ago.

"Zelena" The brunette sighed. "Leave me alone." She was getting sick and tired of her sister following her around like a lost puppy, even though she was the older sister.

"Oh no. Not so fast sis, I know that doe-eyed look! Somebody is in looove." The red head drawled out the words happily. She loved to make Regina squirm.

"Nope. Nope. Nope." The younger sister muttered back. "Regina Mills doesn't date. Regina Mills doesn't love. And Regina Mills absolutely, most definitely won't stand another moment of your snarky nonsense!" Regina shouted, choking slightly as she tried desperately to contain herself.

"Why the bloody hell are you talking about yourself in third person? You're not a Queen sis." Zelena smirked playfully, completely unaffected by Regina's small outburst.
"So come on, who is it? Who's the lucky fella?" She giggled, playfully poking the younger sister in the ribs.

Regina huffed, pulling away from Zelena's touch. "There is no he."

The red head sat back in confusion, letting a few moments pass as she tried to think. Suddenly her eyes lit up in realisation.
"You like girls!" She laughed gleefully, watching her younger sister's awkward reaction.
"But wait, I've seen girls ask you out before... what about that Ruby girl? I know she's a bit wild, but she's not half bad?" Zelena pondered out loud, more to herself than to her sister.

"It's not her." Regina sighed sadly. " I- I don't know how I feel Z. I've never liked anyone before." She shrugged.

"What about Daniel?" Zelena questioned.

"He was more of a friend than anything. And after he moved away I didn't have the heart to get that close to anyone again." The brunette shrunk down into her seat, fiddling with her fingers.

"Oh you are smitten. How cute! Please Reggie, tell me who it is?" Zelena begged, eagerly sitting closer to the edge of her seat opposite the brunette.

"She's just a friend. It doesn't matter anyhow." Regina shrugged. "Now come on, hurry up and do your work so we can get to school on time." Regina muttered, annoyed by her sister's constant tardiness and lack of care for her education.


It was five minutes to the first bell when Regina and Zelena got to school. The sisters exited the black Mercedes and began making their way towards their lockers. Unluckily for Regina, Zelena's locker was adjacent to hers, so she couldn't even escape her annoying sister for even a moment. Regina let out one last exasperated sigh as she closed her locker door, clutching her English book to her chest. She smiled weakly at a passing by teacher who just waved hello until her eyes met with a familiar blonde's. Emma Swan waltzed down the corridor, head high and confident as she flashed a smiled back at Regina. The brunettes eyes dropped as the blonde walked towards her, stopping just in front.

"Hey Gina! Did you do the English essay?" The blonde smiled happily, looking down slightly at the sheepish brunette. Zelena, stood watching the interaction, smiling wickedly when she watched her usually over confident sister falter and struggle to string a sentence together.

"I um.. yea- yes I did it." The brunette finally babbled out, a deep blush forming on her cheeks.

"Great! So.... I'll see you in class?" The blonde asked softly, sensing Regina's awkwardness.
The brunette just nodded before Emma took off in long stride in the direction of their English classroom.

"So... Gina? That's the girl eh?" Zelena snickered from behind her locker, poking fun at Emma's nickname for her younger sister.

"No! I-I mean yes, I mean No; she's just a friend." Regina mumbled. Zelena just smiled gleefully, finally glad to see her bitchy over confident sister be turned into a puddle.

"I like her." Zelena nodded thoughtfully. "Anyone that can make the great Regina Mills shut up is a saviour in my eyes. Hey, maybe we should invite her over for dinner?" Zelena's eyes lit up wickedly.

"No." Regina growled lowly as she turned on her heels and make off towards her first class.


Regina ran into the class breathlessly. Sure, she didn't have to run but she needed to get away from her pain in the ass sister as quick as possible. The brunette sighed deeply, taking a seat in the far right corner of the classroom instead of in her usual seat, straight at the front . Regina stared down at the seat, waiting for the class to fill so the lesson could begin. After a few minutes, the room was full and she felt the warmth of a body taking a seat next to her.
"Hey Gina, are you okay?" A soft voice ripped Regina out of her day dream, causing her to look up into those damn green eyes.

"I'm fine Emma. Why?" Regina murmured back, tearing her eyes away from the blonde and back to the desk.

"It's just that you don't usually sit back here, that's all." Emma shrugged, leaning back in her chair slightly causing her shirt to lift, unveiling a tight midriff. Regina's eyes quickly caught the flesh as her eyes flickered up to a smirking Emma.
"You like?" Emma wriggled her eyebrows playfully, earning a glare from the brunette.

"I just think you should invest in some better fitting shirts." The brunette cracked a small smile as she began to warm to the blonde.

Throughout the lesson the two seemed to banter back and forth, sharing whispers and giggles as they relaxed with each other. Soon however, the lesson came to an end and the two friends found themselves leaving together for break.

Over the course of the year the two girls became friends, almost inseparable, but Regina Mills never broke her rule of dating (even though it was painfully clear to everyone but them that they were virtually a couple already.)
They were just friends.

Swanqueen oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora