Sick day

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Emma was sick. Really sick. She woke to a throbbing headache and a queasy stomach, just about making it to the bathroom just in time for the seventh time in the past hour. The blonde groaned, clutching to the sides of the porcelain bowl as her mother came rushing in with another glass of water.
"Oh sweety. Are you okay?" The petite brunette frowned, rubbing her daughters back as she coughed.
Emma let out a small groan, letting her mother know she was fine.

"I've got work in an hour" The blonde said before wiping her mouth and making her way back to bed at her parent's apartment.

"No, I'll call your father and tell him you can't make it, you just rest." Snow said. Her brows furrowed with worry as she called up her husband to tell him about their daughter's illness.

"Mom?" Emma croaked, catching the brunettes attention. "Can you remind Dad to drop the paperwork off at Regina's office, I was meant to do it yesterday."

"Sure thing." Snow smiled, turning back towards the stairs as she went down to phone David.


"Where is that damn sheriff?" Regina grumbled under her breath. She had been waiting for Emma to arrive with her paperwork for almost two hours now, although to her, it was just an excuse to see her beautiful blonde for a little longer. Regina contemplated ringing the blonde, just as she had been for the past hour but she didn't want to come off as needy and so she decided not to. And yet, the older woman still glanced to her phone every so often, itching to know where her blonde was.

The hands on the clock inched forward slowly, and as the small hand reached 3, there was a knock at the door. Excitedly, Regina checked her lipstick in the mirror and ruffled her hair before calling her visitor in. Even though she'd never admit it, the older woman really did enjoy her private time with sheriff Swan and was beginning to fall for her... hard.

"Come in!" She said, her voice strong and loud.

However, as the door opened, the Mayor's smile fell into a frown as she was greeted by the Deputy instead.
"David? What are you doing here?" The brunette pulled her face into a tight fake smile, trying desperately to hide the disappointment on her face.
"Where's Ms Swan? Isn't she meant to be working today? And isn't this paper work a little late?" She snarled.

David let out a small chuckle. He wasn't surprised to be bombarded by Regina; he and Snow had been suspicious of their daughter and Regina's relationship for a while now and this just confirmed everything.

"She's fine Regina. Emma just felt sick today so I'm covering for her, hence the paperwork." He smiled kindly, handing the paperwork over to the mayor.

Regina faltered slightly. "She's off sick?"

"Yes. People get sick Regina, but she'll be fine, it's just a small cold." He chuckled again, amused by the former Evil Queen's compassion for his daughter.

"W-well why didn't anyone inform me?" Regina asked, trying to remain calm but second by second, becoming more flustered.

"Why? I had it covered." David smirked, clearly knowing that he was getting the Mayor flustered.

"B-because... because I-I'm the Mayor! So I need to know what's going on in my town." Regina nodded, her eyebrows furrowing together as she attempted to regain her composure.

"You can go see her you know. It's really ok." David sympathised with the mayor, seeing the stress she was failing to hide.

"And why would I do that?" Regina snapped, her fingertips tapping away nervously at the desk. She was desperate to go see her blonde and make sure she was ok, but she couldn't let David know of her feelings. Hell, she didn't want to know about her own feelings.

"Because you care for her." David sighed. He could tell that this still wasn't enough to push the mayor so he helped her out:
"And it would be a great help if you could check in on her for me, seeing as I'm on duty?"

Regina pondered this for a moment.
"Well, perhaps I could find a spare moment to go check in on her, for you of course. After all, we can't have the entire police force of Storybrooke getting ill." Regina smiled at her excuse, pleased that she had a reason to see Emma. David smiled, pretending to agree to the mayors excuse, but inwardly overjoyed that the former Evil Queen was able to love again.

As soon as the deputy left, Regina wasted no time at all whisking herself away to Emma. She arrived in a dense cloud of purple smoke; when it cleared she found herself by the bedside of the sleeping blonde. Touching a hand to the blonde's head, Regina shook her head at the high temperature radiating out of the younger woman's body. She placed a kiss gently to her clammy head before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Feeling a dip on the bed, Emma's eyes fluttered open as she tiredly looked around until she spotted the familiar chocolate brown eyes that were Regina. Emma felt her lips tug into a smile as the brunette woman stroked a hand through her golden tresses.

"How are you feeling?" Regina smiled down at the blonde, shifting slightly to face her.

"Much better thanks." Emma mumbled back, her throat hoarse and scratchy from all of the throwing up.
"Come sit properly Gina." Emma sheepishly patted the side of the bed, welcoming the older woman to sit properly.

Regina shook her head. "You rest."

A frown pulled at Emma's lips as her request was denied.

"What ever for?" Regina asked, puzzled.

"For getting sick." Emma replied, sitting up slightly so she could take a better look at her Queen.

Regina laughed lightly. "Don't apologise for being human Emma. You might be the saviour but it doesn't mean your invincible to the common cold." Regina joked, poking the blonde lightly in a playful manner before getting up.

"W-where are you going?" Emma sat up straight, eyes furrowed downwards as the brunette moved off the bed.

"I'm coming to lie on the other side with you silly." Regina smirked, moving around the bed before flicking her heels off and crawling into the bed.
"Hmm... this is so nice and snug. No wonder you didn't move all day Ms Swan." Regina smiled, giggling a little and taking the blonde by surprise.

Regina leaned in closer to the blonde, grabbing her gently and laying her head down across her lap so she could continue to play with her golden locks.

"Aren't you afraid you're going to get sick?" Emma sniffled, relaying back into her lap as the brunette continued to massage her head.

"Queens do not get sick." She whispered back.
"Now dear, you should rest, so just relax." She said, gently tapping the blonde's head until she fell asleep. Regina sighed in contentment, tilting her head back against the headboard, also closing her eyes.

AN: so... what do you think so far? I'm trying to mix it up a little.

Let me know what you want next, perhaps some fluff? Or smut😉


Anyways, enjoy!


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