I want you

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Emma took in a deep breath, puffing out her chest and squaring her shoulders before knocking rather loudly on the Mayor's door. The smooth white surface of wood felt cool beneath her shaking hands as she once more attempted to calm herself.

"Keep cool Swan, you got this." She whispered to herself, just as the door swung unceremoniously open, surprising the blonde.

"Ma? What are you doing here?" A shaggy haired teen opened the door, one hand rubbing his still sleep-filled eyes and the other clutching the doorframe. The lanky body of her once small son filled the space and made Emma wonder where the hell time had gone. He was already 15. She had been here for almost 5 years now... 5 whole years of secretly loving Regina...

"MA!" Emma was pulled out from her wondering thoughts by the brown haired boy whom peered over curiously at the strange facial expression of his blonde mother.

"...yeah, Hen, sorry, I'm really not with it today." The blonde grinned back sheepishly.

"Well no wonder... you are awake before noon so it must be something important." Henry smirked, quirking an eyebrow in the same fashion as his brunette mother before looking down at his wrist for the time.
"Damn. 7.30, must be a new record." He sniggered before receiving a soft blow to the head by his brunette mother.

"Language Henry. And aren't you going to invite Miss Swan in?" Regina made her way past her son, peering closely at the flustered blonde before letting her in.
"Henry's right. It is early. So Swan, what's the emergency?" The brunette queried, closing the door behind them and leaning against the cool surface, arms folded across her chest.

Emma looked deep in to the brunette's whisky brown orbs before shuffling around in her feet. No matter how long it's been, that stare of hers could always make the blonde nervous - even more nervous than she was already feeling.

"Oh. Erm, I just wanted to have a chat, about stuff... I can drop Henry off to school first and then... I can come back? If you're not already busy that is?" Emma fumbled over her words and blushed furiously, refusing to make eye contact with either brunette, knowing that they would be very amused right now.

"Ma...you do realise it's a Saturday? I don't even have school and if I did, I'm sure I'd be old enough to make my way there and back without supervision." Henry sniggered whilst Regina cocked an eyebrow, amused.

"...oh." Red heat flushed the blonde's pale features.

"Look Hen, why don't you give your mother and I a moment?" Regina saved Emma from further embarrassment as their son happily complied and made his way back upstairs to no doubt, play video games.

As soon as she had watched her son make his way up, Regina turned swiftly on her feet, heading in the direction of the kitchen, knowing that Emma would follow.

"So what's up Emma?" Regina furrowed her eyebrows, taking in the confusion written all over the blonde's face.

Emma was momentarily stunned. Regina never calls her Emma...until recently, and even then that was rare. It had dawned on the blonde that as the two had grown closer, Regina had taken to calling Emma by her name more and more, even if it was only when they were alone.

"Emma? Are you okay dear?" Any previous amusement had been wiped from the brunette's face as she now began to worry about his son's other mother. Emma was never one to be quiet or nervous and this scared Regina tremendously. She reached out across the counter top, taking the blonde's pale hands into her own, cupping them in a gentle yet secure manner.

A small smile rugged at Emma's lips as she soaked in the warmth of the brunette's voice. She actually cared for her. Regina fucking Mills, ex evil Queen and Mayor of Storybrooke was showing the kind of care and compassion that she had only ever seen the Queen direct at their son.
"I'm sorry to have worried you but it was important that I came to see you." Emma said with a new found confidence that had everything to do with the brunette in front of her, holding her hands.
Regina nodded, urging the blonde to go on, her facial expressions softening.

"I haven't been honest with myself in a long time, and I need to be. I've fallen in love with someone these past few years, and I'm so grateful that Henry brought me here all those years ago because without him, I would have a family or someone I care so much for."

Emma tightened her grip on the brunette's olive toned hands, willing herself to go on and tell Regina what her heart truly felt.

"Regina. I know we haven't started off on the best of terms but I'd like to say that you truly have become my best friend and the best mother to our son. And I thought I would be okay with this, but I'm not. I want more. Regina. I want you."

Emma felt Regina's hands tighten against her own, both women hoping that the hand squeeze is enough to portray how they feel without taking things too far.

"Oh Emma." Regina smiled softly, tears brimming at her doe eyes as she soaked in the meaning of the blonde's words.
"I want you too."

A huge grin plastered itself over the blonde's mouth as she kept up from her stool and jumped at the brunette, engulfing her in a very Emma Swan-unlike hug to which Regina replied.

Both cling onto each other for a few moments before pulling away, heads resting against each other. Regina slapped at the blonde's arm, causing her to wince slightly.

"You idiot. You had me worried when you first came in here." Regina laughed through her joyous tears, causing another smile to creep into the blonde's face.

"Sorry." She whispered, gently leaning her forehead on the brunette's, their lips inches apart.


Flufffff!!!!!! Shall I continue this one? Make it a bit more saucy...😂 let me know!

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