Payback's a bitch

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AN: lil smutty. Idk


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Enjoy suckas xx

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Enjoy suckas xx


"Baby wake up." Regina murmured into her girlfriend's golden mane as she sucked gently on her neck.
"One more minute..." the blonde moaned, wriggling further into the duvet, unwilling to get up.

Regina let out a sigh of exasperation. It was almost 11am and the blonde was still asleep when all Regina wanted to do was... well, the blonde.
Suddenly Emma's phone began to vibrate, causing the blonde to tear her eyes open and she fumbled around for her phone.
"Hello? Swan here." She mumbled tiredly, her voice still raspy from her sleep.

"Oh so for THAT, you wake up." Regina rolled her eyes, glaring at the blonde who was now sat up and talking on the phone to her mother.

"Is that snow?" Regina smirked, asking the blonde as an idea popped into her devious mind.

The blonde nodded in reply before continuing with their conversation about something or another.

Regina grasped the opportunity for pay back as she began to straddle her girlfriend, grinding slightly on her. Emma glared at her in warning but Regina just smiled back innocently before leaning forward and beginning to suck and bite at Emma's exposed flesh, eliciting a moan from the blonde.

Regina smirked as she heard Snow's panicked voice on the other side of the phone, asking Emma if she was ok.

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine mom." Emma glared down as the giggling brunette who had taken to playing with the blonde's breasts causing her to moan breathlessly even more.

"I-I'm gonna ha-have to call you b-b-back.  I'm just a bit s-sick. Bye mmm-om." She said breathlessly before quickly ending the call. A deep red blush now graced Emma's face as she stared at the brunette straddling her.
"What the hell Gina? That's my mom on the phone, I can't be practically orgasming on the phone to my MOTHER."

Regina laughed, continuing to play with the blonde's breasts and gently kissing her.

"But you didn't wake up for me and I wanted to do you." She whined, causing Emma to smirk. She could never stay mad at Regina, she loved her too much.

"So you sabotaged my phone call with my mother because you're horny?" Emma laughed, pulling the brunette in closer to her chest so they were no more than inches apart.

"Oops..? I guess?" Regina smirked before roughly kissing her lover's lips.

"You know..." Emma said between kisses. "Payback is gonna be a bitch."

Regina rolled her eyes playfully. She didn't care because she had got what she wanted. She got Emma.


-Later that night-

It was nearing to 7pm when the couple had decided to meet the Charming's and Henry of course, for dinner at Granny's. The couple slid into the booth opposite Snow and David and Henry sat at a chair on the end of the booth.

"So... Emma, are you feeling better now?" Snow asked, glancing up from the menu.

"What?" Emma asked confused. Regina snickered slightly earning a questioning glance from David and Snow.
"Oh... I mean, yeah, much better thanks." Emma blushed furiously.

Henry glanced around at the awkward atmosphere before bringing up a new topic.

The conversation flowed and they all got ready to order when suddenly Regina felt Emma's fingers dancing their way across her thigh. She squirmed a little in her seat, earning a look of confusion from David whilst Snow stayed blissfully unaware, as did Henry.
"Paybacks a bitch isn't it." Emma whispered playfully into Regina's ear, causing her to squirm further.

Suddenly, the blonde's hand made its way towards Regina's centre, roughly tearing her lace panties to the side, making Regina gasp.

"Are you okay Mom?" Henry asked, confusion written all over his face as he watched his brunette Mother intently. Her face was pale and her jaw ajar, almost as if she had seen a ghost.

"Y-yeah.... I'm fine dear, j-just excited about the lasagna." Regina smiled painfully, attempting not to moan out as her girlfriend ruthlessly toyed with her just out of sight.

The family all glared questioningly at Regina. The menu hadn't changed in over thirty years, let alone the lasagna. Surely Regina couldn't be so worked up over a little food. Never the less, the family continued on chatting, completely oblivious to Emma's relentless teasing as she now began to circle her brunette lover's clit agonisingly slowly. Regina shuffled around a little more in the booth, surviving for a further 5 minutes before she bolted up, mumbling some excuse about needing the toilet before rushing off towards the back of the diner. Emma smiled smugly, watching her family's concern for her girlfriend as she tried to cover up just how turned on she was.

"Hey Ma, is mom ok? She's been acting weird all night." Henry furrowed his eyebrows in question to his blonde mother.

"Yeah, I'm sure she's fine, she must have caught what I had earlier." She smiled weakly, shrugging her shoulders at her son before making her way towards the toilets where she knew Regina would be waiting for her.

"Miss Swan! What the hell was that." Emma was bombarded by Regina as soon as she entered the stall. Regina was red in the face and pacing up and down in the very small space between the toilet and the sink. Emma failed to hide a smirk as she pulled her lover in closer, trapping her between her strong arms and the cold surface of the sink.

"Back to Miss Swan huh?" She asked playfully, clearly aware that she was just pushing the brunette further.

"Emma! Seriously. What the HELL was that! Your parents, Henry, not to mention half the town were there!" Regina fumed. The blonde placed gentle kisses on to her lover's neck in appeasement.

"I'm sorry my love, but payback is a bitch." She whispered between kisses as her hands slinked down Regina's body lower, past the hem of her dress and up towards her aching core.
"I'll make it up to you."

Regina sighed softly, all previous anger and embarrassment melting away at her lover's touch. Maybe she deserved a little punishment. Maybe she enjoyed it.

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