Oh Swan

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Swanqueen au

"Maybe this isn't working out anymore Swan. We should just stop before either one of us get hurt; I cant be the one to hurt you Emma. Please." Her smooth olive toned hand reached out almost hesitantly, begging for the blonde to understand. Regina loved Emma. She loved her enough to let her go...
Emma shook her head furiously. No. Why couldn't they be together? Weren't they happy? No no no...


Emma awoke a panting mess, sweat dripping down her forehead and her chest heaving as she tried to regain composure. It had been the same nightmare going on and on for weeks now, and every time she awoke, she'd never be able to go back to sleep again.

"God fucking dammit" Emma rubbed her eyes tiredly, her knuckles pulling at the bags beneath in an attempt to get her bleary eyes to focus on the illuminated numbers of her clock. The lights showed 3.46am in red, taunting the frustrated blonde who was faced with yet again another sleepless night.

The blonde slipped from beneath the covers, tugging on a pair of sweats and a thin oversized shirt before slipping away in the dark from her ratty one bed apartment. The door shut with a gentle click, as she made her way out onto the streets of New York. The crisp air was just as chilly as during the day, if not worse and Emma desperately wished she'd brought along one of her leather jackets but she couldn't turn back now; she'd only end up laying in bed staring at the ceiling for hours until the sun came up anyway. And so the tired irritated blonde carried on, walking aimlessly until she somehow found herself at a very familiar tall building. This building was much unlike hers and held an air of regality about it. It towered above her, the soft brown of the bricks standing out from the surrounding apartment complexes. The blonde bustled her way in, giving a curt nod to the doorman as she made her way up to number 108, Regina's apartment.

Emma desperately wanted to see the brunette, her velvety brown eyes always managed to calm the blonde down but it was too early in the morning for Emma to be doing this. Hell, Regina was probably all tucked up in bed, looking as precious as ever as she enjoyed another night of peaceful sleep.

If only it could be that simple for the blonde. Regina and Emma had only been dating a few months and they were happy. Really happy. But now, all of Emma's insecurities were creeping back up from the confines of her mind and every night all she would see was the image of yet another person leaving her again. Regina. Of course, the blonde felt it unnatural to share these insecurities with her lover and had began to slowly slip away during the past few weeks, until now.

Emma took a deep breath before knocking lightly at the pale grey door. She probably looked insane right now and she doubted Regina would find this at all normal for a girlfriend of only three months to be turning up on their doorstep in the dead of night but Emma was desperate. She needed her. She needed Regina. And so, when the door finally creaked open, unveiling a tired and confused brunette, Emma immediately flung herself into her lover's arms, a harsh sob ripping from her throat in the process. She didn't mean to cry in front of the brunette. She wasn't weak. She couldn't be.

"Oh honey, what's wrong?" Regina's voice dripped with worry, the sleepiness in her face quickly disappearing as she held on tight to the shaking blonde.
"Sweetheart you're so cold, did you walk here like this?" The brunette questioned as she unwrapped her fluffy robe and pulled across the both of them before returning to the bedroom with her girlfriend still attached to her waist.
Emma nodded into her lover's chest, her tears dripping down and soiling the brunette's silk pyjama top. Regina always manages to calm her no matter what was going on.

"I'm so sorry Regina. I just needed you, please don't leave. Please!" The blonde sobbed harder as Regina pulled the blonde into the bed, brushing her hair back from her red face and soothing her.

"Oh Swan, I would never leave you! Is that what these past few weeks have been about?"

The blonde looked up in surprise. "You noticed?"

"Of course I did, you're my girlfriend." Regina replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Emma was stunned. Not only was she lucky enough to have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world, but she was also the most caring and kind human she had ever met. She was an angel.

"Oh God, I probably look pathetic huh?" Emma sniffled, daring to lock eyes with the brunette. Regina smiled back softly, gently running her fingers through Emma's unruly locks before replying.

"No. You look beautiful." Regina leaned in closer, her lips brushing against the blonde's in a compassionate kiss.
"Emma, always know that you can come to me no matter what. I will always be there."

Emma nodded before pressing their lips back together, soft flesh melding into one.
"I will Gina."
Regina chucked at the blonde's affectionate nickname as they melted into each other's embrace, comfy in Regina's duvet.

The couple remained in a soothing comfortable silence as they both contemplated what to do next. Emma wasn't quite sure what she could say to the brunette that wouldn't come off as remotely insane but luckily Regina took it upon herself to initiate the conversation.
"So....do you want to talk about it sweetheart?" Emma's heart fluttered at the love rich in her lover's voice as she called her by her favourite pet name.

"I just don't want to lose you... I know that sounds crazy but, nobody has ever loved me like this before and it just... it just scares me sometimes that I could lose that. I never want to lose this." Emma sighed, half relieved to get this off of her chest after weeks of turmoil and half frightened that Regina wouldn't feel the same. Was it too early to be talking about love?

Regina hummed in response, taking a minute to think of a reply as her fingers danced absentmindedly over Emma's hipbone.
"Move in with me."

A look of shock flooded Emma's face.

"I said, move in with me. I love you Swan and I don't want this to ever end either, so why not?" Regina shrugged, staring deeply into a pair of confused green eyes before she took her lover's hand and gently placed a kiss to her knuckles.

"Really?" A small smile danced upon Emma's face. She loves her. Regina fucking Mills loves her.

"Really Swan."

A small chuckle escaped the brunette's lips as Emma quickly got up, flipping the two over so she could straddle her lover.
Emma placed a small kiss to Regina's nose before peppering kisses down the expanse of her lover's neck. It was already 4.30 in the morning, it wasn't as if they were getting any more sleep anytime soon... and anyways, Emma would be getting plenty of sleep in the future, cuddled up with her girlfriend every night for the rest of forever.

AN: Like it so far? Please leave a like and comment if you're enjoying the one shots so far and perhaps a suggestion on how to improve! I haven't written on Wattpad for a looooong time... maybe 2 years so I'm trying really hard to expand my writing skills to make this entertaining for you guys!

Lots of love x

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