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"Emma, Ruby dear, dinner's almost done! Oh, and Henry... set the table please?" Regina called out, turning her head toward the doorway to the living room in order to project loudly enough for the two women and her son in the next room to hear.

"Aww, mom!" Henry whined from the living room, where he was  sitting between Ruby and Emma on the couch, battling them in a video game. He was really not in the mood for tonight and would rather spend the evening alone playing video games than sit and watch his mom and Ruby together whilst Emma sat literally 3 feet away.

When his mother yelled, "Henry Daniel! Right now!" he jumped off the couch, begrudgingly tossing the controller down on the seat, mumbling under his breath about how ridiculous it all was before sauntering into the kitchen to gather the necessary plates and utensils.

Regina frowned as the boy entered the kitchen, barely sparing her a glance and pulling the drawer open. "Careful Henry."

"I am, jeez."

"I'm tired of your back-talk," Regina growled, turning towards the boy, not at all surprised by his grumpiness the past few weeks. It's at times like these in particular that she missed having little Henry around, and not the grouchy rude teenage version of her son.
"Have some respect young man."

"Whatever." Henry mumbled, averting his gaze as he dug through the silverware drawer.

"Excuse me?" the woman scoffed, the threatening tone doing little to scare him. He knew that although half the town still feared his mother, she was nothing but a softie and would do absolutely nothing. Plus, he was mad at her and she deserved it.


"You're damn right 'nothing.' One more whine or argument out of you and I'll send you upstairs without dinner."

"I'm not twelve!" Henry yelled.

"Henry! Hush!" Regina warned him, stepping closer.

"Yeah, okay. Whatever, I wanna stay at Ma's this week anyway so I don't have to deal with this."

This stung Regina deep down more than she had been hurt before, bringing back memories of the contempt the boy held for her when Emma first came to Storybrooke and how desperately he tried to get away from her... just like now. Things had begun to heal after a while, catalysed by the former intimate relationship she had shared with Emma before the first curse had broken (which they had kept discreet from the boy), although that had much to do with hate sex rather than emotions. They even managed to work past that, working together to co parent their son, fight monsters, keep the town safe; they had become a family. Now, all of a sudden Henry had reverted back into the little boy who hated his mother and it killed Regina to not understand what she had done.

For Henry however, it was clear. Despite how grown up he was, inside he was still a child struggling to understand why his two parents were not together when they were very much made for each other: the redeemed Evil Queen and her Saviour. He had worked tirelessly on operation swanqueen after Robin Locksley had left his brunette mother heartbroken and that ridiculous, no good pirate had been kicked to the curb by his other mother. The plan had begun to work at first, his mother's becoming closer and closer, enjoying evenings together often without Henry and lunch almost every day until a few weeks ago when Regina has brought Ruby Lucas home as a 'friend and guest' for dinner. That one time, out of the blue invitation soon extended to their Swan-Mills family nights until all of a sudden whenever Emma was over, Ruby was too. Of course, Henry loved his aunt Ruby, she was his grandmother's best friend after all, and had often looked after him when his mothers were off fighting which ever monster that had decided to attack Storybrooke next. Hell, he'd even had his own crush on the woman, but that seemed to quickly dissipate as soon as he had clued on to the  'secret' relationship Ruby seemingly had with his brunette mother...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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