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Emma's PoV

I looked up at the clock bored out of my mind. It was only 4 o'clock and my shift didn't end for another two hours. Ever since we had broken the curse - again, there was nothing much to do around here, especially now that there were no rampant Villains running about poised for revenge, or any wacko ice queens demanding to build a sisterhood of witches.
Now that Ingrid was gone, and I had better control of my magic, I was itching to use it. Not that I'd ever admit it to anyone, but without any chaos, I felt lost and useless.

"Oi, Saviour! Can I go now?" Leroy rattled on the cell pulling me out of my daydream. That annoying dwarf seemed to be the only trouble in this town and I was getting sick and tired of having to arrest him every day for drunk and disorderly behaviour.

"Fine." I huffed, flicking my wrist so that the cell door flew open. "Just...lay off the booze for a while." I mumbled, rubbing my head with both my hands before reclining back into my chair, putting my boots up on the desk.
I heard the dwarf chuckle as he walked out, murmuring incoherently about something or another.

"Well...once again Ms Swan, I see that our tax dollars are being put to good use." The sultry voice of the Mayor snapped me out of my daze and I quickly sat up in the chair, dropping my feet to the floor and dragging my nails through my hair in an attempt to smooth it out.

Regina stood smirking at me, leaning on the doorframe of my office and watching me intently.

"Well Madame Mayor, I think we both know that our jobs in this town are more superficial than anything." I smirked, holding her gaze as she came and sat down opposite me.
"Now, what can I do for you Regina?"

The brunette dropped her gaze, staring down at my desk before replying. I couldn't help but stare at her plump red lips as they moved.

"Ms Swan? Ms Swan? Emma, for God's sake. Did you hear what I said?"

I must have dazed out again. I couldn't help it though, just watching the way her lips moved distracted me. My eyes moved from her sexy lip scar slowly up to her eyes, which bore into mine with a fierce look of annoyance and something else that I just couldn't put my finger on.

"Yeah...sorry, what?" I questioned, confused.

"I said Em-ma, would you like to have dinner with me tonight...and Henry of course" She quickly added causing a blush to form on her cheeks. The way she drawled out my name caused my lips to curve into a smile as it was on a very rare occasion, Regina would use my name instead of her preferred 'Ms Swan'.

"Oh. Yeah, that would actually be great." I smiled, watching her eyes light up again.

"Great. See you at 7." She smirked sexily, sashaying her way out of my office, the sound of her heels clicking away in the distance.


Regina's Pov

It was almost 7, 6.53pm to be exact and I was panicking. What if she didn't turn up? How would I explain Henry not being here? What if she doesn't like my lasagna?

My heart was beating increasingly faster and faster as the minutes went by.


Oh God. My breathing hitched as the doorbell went off and I hurriedly made my way over to the mirror, fluffing my hair out and adjusting my cleavage before going towards the door.
I took a deep breathe, plastering on my professional smile before I opened the door.

"Well hello Ms Swan, I'm glad to see you in time." I smiled. The blonde returned the smile with a cheeky smirk of her own before thrusting a bouquet of white and black roses into my hands.
"Well... I aim to please, my majesty. These are for you"

"Why thank you dear..."
I felt a blush creep up my cheeks.
" But, Majesty?" I asked curiously, one eyebrow raised at the blonde's choice of words.

"Yep." She grinned, making a pop sound at the end. I took a step back, leaving a small space for the blonde to enter. And as she did so, she pressed her lips gently to my cheek before side stepping into the foyer. The action shocked me a little, throwing me off as I stood there dumbfounded at the door, with the flowers still in my hands.

"So...I should probably put these in water..." I said, still dazed and confused by the kiss. Sure, it was a simple gesture, but this was just dinner, right?

I turned on my heel and made my way towards the kitchen, swaying my hips slightly to entice the blonde to follow me. Sure enough, I heard the gently thump of feet behind me as I entered the kitchen. As I poured water into a vase for the flowers, I took the opportunity to watch the blonde, who surprisingly, was dressed quite daintily. She wore a casual black flowing dress that ended mid thigh paired with matching black wedges and of course a leather jacket.

"Well you look good Swan." I smiled, taking in her appearance once more, my eyes hovered over her slight cleavage before I urged my self to look at her eyes. When our eyes came into contact I knew I'd been caught staring as a cheeky grin was plastered across her face that made me blush furiously.
"As do you Madame Mayor." She replied, her eyes gazing over my own red tight fitting dress.

I nodded in thanks as I arranged the flowers in the vase before turning my attention back to the blonde who had now taken a seat on one of the stools.
"So...where's the kid?" She asked, looking around as if he was about to pop right out of one of the cupboards.

I tensed slightly, cringing as I remembered that I had forgotten to ask Henry. Well... at least that's what I keep telling myself.

"Actually, I forgot to ask... I'm sure he couldn't make it anyways... something about a movie night with Grace?" I muttered, not daring to make eye contact. I could already feel the relentless teasing about to begin.

"Ah... excuses, excuses Madame Mayor... I think you wanted to spend time with me..." She laughed, hopping off the barstool and coming closer. "...Alone." She whispered into ear as she leant in impossibly closer. My breathing hitched as I felt her warm breath dance up my neck.

"No..."I mumbled out unconvincingly. She chuckled against my neck as she pressed a gentle kiss there. I tried hard to contain myself as she continued to pepper kisses all the way up my jaw line.

"Are you sure?" She asked between each kiss, getting increasingly closer to my lips.

I couldn't speak. My mind was foggy with complex emotions. I let out a shuddered breath in an attempt to gain some self control, but the action was useless.

"It's okay Regina... I don't mind." She mumbled soothingly as I tilted my neck upwards further, allowing her more space to work.
"In fact, I don't mind at all."

I sighed, pulling backwards from the kisses causing a whimper to escape the blonde's mouth.

"A-are you sure?" I breathed out, confused as to how she could want me.

"Oh God Yes Regina. You're all I can think about." She chuckled, before moving back in and this time kissing my lips with a new passion. The kiss was rough and heated as if we were both scared we would never feel each other again. My tongue daringly slipped out, darting against her soft pink lips, begging for entrance. Our hands desperately searched each other's bodies, trying to map each curve in our memories. After a few minutes we pulled away breathlessly, leaning our foreheads together.
"So Mayor Mills..." she whispered playfully,
"Is this a date?"

I nodded my head shyly, looking deeply in her eyes for any signs of regret. There was none.

"Thank god, because if not, this would be awkward." She laughed playfully, pulling me in by my waist and placing a final change kiss to my lips.

"So... what's for dinner?"

I rolled my eyes playfully before turning to face the stove. A smile played at my lips as I felt her embrace me from behind.

"Lasagna" I smiled.


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