Bleeding out

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Regina sighed deeply. She was sick and tired of all the fighting. She just wanted to love. She didn't want to lose Henry or Emma; no matter how hard she'd tried to shake the annoying blonde from her life, she just didn't have the heart to do so. All she could do was push her out and build her walls higher. She didn't deserve love.

I'm bleeding out
Said if the last thing that I do
Is to bring you down
I'll bleed out for you

"Come on Regina. I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong!" Emma shouted, pounding at the door to the Mills vault, begging her love to let her in.

So I bear my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in

Regina felt the tears begin to wash down her face. "I'm a monster." She cried out, nothing more than a hoarse whisper, but still loud enough for Emma to hear.
"All I do is bad. I'm a horrible mother. I don't deserve him. I don't deserve you."

And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)

Emma groaned. She'd never seen her beautiful Queen in such a state and she had no idea what to do. All she had done was told Regina that she loved her.

When the day has come
But I've lost my way around
And the seasons stop and hide beneath the ground
When the sky turns gray
And everything is screaming
I will reach inside
Just to find my heart is beating

The brunette sighed, taking in a shaky breath as she made her way further down into the crypt. Tears still flowed down her face as she reached the heart room, turning to find an empty box. The box was plain and wooden, too good for her heart she thought as she plunged her hand straight into her chest, pulling out the pulsing lump of darkness. Specks of red shone through, bringing more tears to the former Evil Queen's heart as she thought of all the bad she had done.

You tell me to hold on
Oh you tell me to hold on
But innocence is gone
And what was right is wrong

Emma was completely wrong. No matter how much good she did, her heart would always remain black. There was no amount of good that could bring back the innocent little girl that Regina had lost so long ago.

'Cause I'm bleeding out
Said if the last thing that I do
Is to bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bear my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)

Emma grew sick and tired of waiting for Regina. The vault had grown quiet and fear began to arise in the young blonde. She kicked at the door in her heavy boots, barely making a dent. Sparks began to fly from the tips of her fingers as she grew more and more frustrated at the door. A sudden (and accidental) zap of white light from her fingers sent the door of the vault flying open. Emma rushed down the stairs whipping her head around in search of the brunette until her eyes fell upon the small crumpled body of her love on the cold ground of the heart room, clutching a small wooden box.

When the hour is nigh
And hopelessness is sinking in
And the wolves all cry
To feel they're not worth hollering
When your eyes are red
And emptiness is all you know
With the darkness fed
I will be your scarecrow

"Oh Emma, you're much too good for me." Regina muttered, wiping away the tears on her face but as soon as she had done so, more tears took their place.
"I'm dark, there's no turning back for me, I can't let you end up like me."

Emma shook her head vigorously before sitting down next to the brunette, taking the box out of her shaking hands, and pulling her into a hug.
"I'm not afraid of you, or the darkness. If you don't feel strong enough to fight it, I will fight it for you. I will always fight for you." She sighed, looking deeply into Regina's deep brown eyes.
"I will always love you, but you need to love yourself too." Emma grabbed the brown box, opening it and taking out the small pulsating heart. She placed a kiss to the red and black core before placing it back in Regina's chest, as carefully as possible.

You tell me to hold on
Oh you tell me to hold on
But innocence is gone
And what was right is wrong
'Cause I'm bleeding out
Said if the last thing that I do
Is to bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bear my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)

"I love you Emma." Regina murmured into the blonde's chest, clinging on to her as if her life depended on it.

And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)

AN: so... that was sad 😢

But hey, at least Regina still has her heart! I'm thinking about doing something a little less fluffy next.... what do you think?

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