Chapter 5

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A week later, Jenner sat in English, waiting for his classmates to leave the room. Then, he rushed toward Professor Hardick with a shy smile. "Hi." He'd barely said it.

Professor Hardick returned the smile with more strength while relaxing in his chair. He released a long sigh. "What can I do for you, Mr. Tello?"

"'s just that...I feel like I'm struggling in this class and I don't want to fail. I've never failed before." If only the workload for this particular course weren't so demanding to make room for his other courses.

Professor Hardick nodded with a concerned expression. "I see. But it's only been a week. Give it some time."

Jenner shook his head. "It's hard. Too hard." So would his cock be in just moments from the frequent twitching.

"Well. You have to realize this isn't high school anymore. You're at a college level now and it requires even more studying in a shorter amount of time. No one said it'd be easy."

Jenner frowned and looked away, but he remained standing here. "I just...I don't know. Maybe I should drop the course, then."

"Look, Mr. Tello, I understand you're frustrated. I do. But English Composition 101 is a requirement for all fields, so you'd still have to take it. Why not give it another try instead of dropping it so soon?"

Jenner groaned. If only writing weren't so boring and tedious. He randomly took a glimpse of Professor Hardick's crotch bulging through his suit pants, and he suddenly stared.

Professor Hardick let out a light chuckle and briefly looked at the door before returning to Jenner. "What are you staring at?" He'd said it softly with what sounded like intrigue. His lips formed the subtlest smirk.

Jenner's cheeks flushed, and he found it challenging to hide his own forming bulge through his jeans. "" He stared at that bulge some more and licked his lips.

"I'll tell you what. Why don't you meet me in the dean's office later this week and we can have a chat with him about the possibilities to ease things for you a bit, perhaps get you to release some of that stress that's been getting to you. Just the three of us, how's that?"

Jenner drew a huge breath, his heart lifting. He formed a wide smile at the thought of things possibly going the way he'd favored with barely any effort. Anything to ease his college transition. "Y-yeah, definitely. That'd be great!"

Professor Hardick simply smiled, his eyes focused on Jenner's. "You have major potential, Mr. Tello." His voice softened even more. "Major potential."

Jenner connected his gaze with Professor Hardick's, lost in them in a way he'd never imagined to be with anyone but Michael and Javier. Sometimes, the urge to hook up with him was strong. It wasn't strong enough to be bold and make a move, especially given their professional relationship, but strong enough to distract him and cause his cock to ache in all the best ways. Every day for the past week, he'd masturbated with thoughts of Professor Hardick in various scenarios, including a few kinky ones that he'd never admit to anyone. Today would just be another day added.

Nothing more.

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