Chapter 11

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Saturday evening, Jenner received a typed, anonymous note in a sealed envelope slid under his dorm door. It instructed him to shower thoroughly and dress simple before heading to his destination, nothing more. He did just that and dressed in a plain T-shirt, shorts, and sandals. From the entry doorway, he reluctantly smiled at Aiden who smiled back from his bed.

Aiden had a few books spread out with a notebook to jot things down. "Is everything okay?" He was always so friendly, just a bit too reserved and quiet.

Jenner gave him a rushed nod. "How's things with you and Daan?"

Aiden frowned. "He left yesterday."

Jenner's eyebrows arched. "Oh. Sorry to hear that."

"Yeah," Aiden muttered. "Thanks."

"You know, I've never had a real boyfriend before. I mean, I was involved with a guy in high school, but...nah, it wasn't serious." Jenner and Javier had been exclusive as far as Jenner knew, but they'd never actually referred to each other as boyfriends.

Aiden formed a tiny smile. "It's a beautiful thing when it's real. It's hard to explain, but you feel like you're in heaven with all these butterflies fluttering in your stomach and this different kind of excitement whenever you're in the same room together. At least it was like that with Daan, anyway."

Jenner's heart sank at the idea of love floating in his mind. What was it like? Was it really as special as most people claimed it was?

"But we're still hanging on. Long-distance relationships suck, but, what can you do?"

"And you trust each other, which helps."

"Oh, yeah. Since we're both ace, we don't have to worry about sleeping with others since we don't have sex even when we're single."

Jenner smiled. Asexual or not, Aiden and Daan were happy together, and Jenner wished he could have that. No, wait, he didn't. His heart no longer made room for love, remember?

"Besides, I love him and he loves me. We'll make it work." Aiden shrugged and resumed his studying, never partying or out with friends and always with a book in front of him.

"Well. I'm going to go out now. Catch you later."

"Have fun."

"Thanks." Jenner stepped out of the room and into the hallway. Door after door, he marched up the several flights of stairs to the top of the four floors, not even bothering with the slow elevator. He waited at the end of the hallway until the last door to his left opened in a crack. What also captured his attention was an unusual space between that door and the next one a bit far back when the other doors were evenly spaced out. A design flaw?

"Come," a husky voice whispered from the crack.

Jenner's heart raced a bit, but having always dared to explore new territory, he wasn't going to stop now. He turned his head to make sure no one noticed, despite the occasional resident spotted, and he stalked inside the dimly-lit dorm room.

The deep voice belonged to a tall guy with a football player build. He was dressed in black with a hooded mask, probably around Jenner's age. Was he a bouncer? His seemingly-blue eyes could kind of look familiar the more Jenner gazed at them. Bouncer looked more like a robber. He placed his lips near Jenner's ear. "Take off your clothes. It's required to enter."

Jenner's eyes bulged. What sort of tutoring was this? At the same time, that big letter A and a few gold stars waved at him, along with a cap and gown as the icing on the already-sweet cake. Graduating college with the easiest of A's? How could he not take advantage? Whatever occasional reservation he felt, he shoved off a cliff and thought about his future. Not to mention, his cock rose to the curious occasion, which spoke for itself.

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