Chapter 9

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Jenner knocked on Dean Wicket's office door on Friday afternoon, drawing a hard breath. What would they talk about? Could his college experience somehow improve and become much less stressful? High school had been stressful enough.

The door opened, and Professor Hardick appeared with a smile of intrigue. "Glad you made it." He glanced at the secretary. "Dean Wicket and I will be very busy discussing a serious matter with a student, so we won't be available for some time."

The secretary nodded with a polite smile. "I'll let any callers know."

"Thanks. Come in, Mr. Tello, and have a seat." Professor Hardick let Jenner inside and closed the door.

Jenner did as told. His finger-spread hands gripped his legs at the sight of Dean Wicket sitting across from him. What an attractive older man with strikingly-gray eyes, pepper-gray hair, a clean-cut face, and a broad stature.

Dean Wicket's lips curled into a smile similar to Professor Hardick's, and he relaxed in his desk chair with one leg crossed and his hands clamped together. "Hello, Mr. Tello," he said in a very deep, clear voice that made Jenner's cock twitch. "I was told you've been struggling academically. So soon?"

Jenner swallowed, his gaze suddenly on the surface of the desk. As hot as Dean Wicket was, his eyes and voice intimidated Jenner. Jenner barely gave him a nod. "Yes, sir."

Professor Hardick pulled up a chair beside the desk and faced Jenner. "There are ways around the stresses of college life, such as tutoring, extra time on assignments, or even more personal tasks that can contribute to a higher grade."

The last of the three sounded the best so far. Anything easy to get an A and be done with college. Jenner didn't hate school, but he didn't like it either. If only certain careers didn't require a college degree.

Dean Wicket sighed. "Professor Hardick is right about one thing. You just started and haven't given the course much of a chance. Perhaps you need to study harder and spend less time on the internet or hanging out with friends or whatever it is you do in your free time."

But without any of those things, life would be even more boring. How else would Jenner socialize and have some kind of life?

Professor Hardick cleared his throat. "Perhaps even spend less time on those dating apps."

Jenner arched his eyebrows. "I'm...not really on them."


Anymore? How would Professor Hardick know that?

"I remember when I used to be on those apps." Professor Hardick stared directly at Jenner. "Always checking my list of views to see who was interested."

Dean Wicket smirked. "Or stalking."

"Stalking as well. Most likely saving my pics."

Both men smirked some more.

Jenner breathed in and held his breath with pursed lips, slowing exhaling. He was still unable to make eye contact for longer than a second. Did they know something? Would he get in trouble?

"Technology's amazing, isn't it, Dean Wicket? Always being able to know what one is up to behind closed doors."

"Yes," Dean Wicket said. "Very much so, I'd say."

More smirks.

Jenner released a series of clipped breaths. "I...I mean..." What was it? Why was he so nervous?

"Tell me something, Mr. Tello," Dean Wicket said. "Have you ever dreamed about acing all your courses in every semester for an easy graduation?"

Jenner gulped and nodded, trembling. "Who hasn't?"

"How badly do you want to do well even if it doesn't require a whole lot of work?"

"I just...I feel like...I'd do anything."

"Anything, huh?" That voice full of intrigue.

Jenner's cock twitched and rose higher and higher to a semi-hard state. His heart no longer made room for love. The one guy he'd devote his time to and give all his love to and submit his all to was forbidden.


Jenner nodded. "Anything. I just want an A. I'm desperate."

Dean Wicket smiled. "I like your attitude. It just so happens that I do have special tutoring for you to ease your college experience and make graduation that much more possible. You'll be properly trained to do well here. You may have to watch and learn at times, but you'll eventually master the ways to this very special success, reserved for those like you."

A special kind of tutoring reserved for Jenner? Who'd have thought there'd be a way for him to ace college with little effort?

"You'll be receiving a discreet note tomorrow evening," Dean Wicket said. "It'll tell you to go to the fourth floor of Hickeyhook Hall. You'll be instructed from there. I especially look forward to a change in you."

Professor Hardick nodded. "You're a man now, but still kind of a boy on the inside, and that needs to change. Experience is the best teacher you'll ever have."

Jenner's cock hardened from the energy of these two attractive men surrounding him. While they'd never do anything inappropriate to each other, it was still too difficult to control his erection. But what was even more difficult to control was the sudden anticipation of his new college experience that awaited him in just a day, the kind of experience he should've had to begin with.

Finally, an easy A.

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