Chapter 16

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He loved him. Jenner really did love Michael. Michael tossed and turned in bed at such late hours. Grayson gently snored away from across the room, having never bothered him once again. This was private time for Michael to feel alone and think when he should've been asleep.

Michael had had several loves in his life: two girls and a boy. Javier had been the boy, wherever he was these days. Two of them had messed around with each other for a while before "dating". Michael was still surprised by how fast he'd moved on, and it helped not to see or hear from him again.

And then came Jenner, the guy who'd suddenly crept into Michael's life the day they'd been introduced after their parents had been dating for months. What a cute and dorky boy then, now a total hottie.

In love with him.

Michael blew a hard breath while he turned on his back and stared at the ceiling. At first, it'd been just attraction and horny thoughts leading to many jerk sessions on his own. Later, a small crush had formed, but it'd been easy to ignore. Masked by the strong urges to have sex with Jenner, Michael had figured it'd been nothing more than just that.

But Jenner loved him and had given him his body, and that caused him to smile and his heart to flutter. Jenner was right, though. They could never be together. At least not publicly.

Michael grabbed his phone and decided to send Jenner a short text, knowing he'd receive it after he woke up. Just a brief "thinking about you" and nothing more.

Moments later, the phone vibrated with a reply:

Thinking about you too. Can't sleep.

Michael thumbed away his response. Same. Wanna grab a bite somewhere?

This late?

Sure why not? The diner's still open.


Michael bit his lower lip while the corners of his mouth rose. ;)


And off they went...

They sat in a booth at a local 24-hour diner with only a few customers around them, all college students. They occasionally stared out the window beside them and into the lamp-lit night. The odd car passed by from across the main road. Hickeyhook was calm, quiet, and safe. Though, behind closed doors, the college itself had proven to be wilder than they'd imagined.

After ordering a large plate of seasoned fries and a large pop for each, Jenner sat there, his drowsy eyes and goofy smile looking adorable.

Michael chuckled. "Tired already?"

"Eh, I'll manage."

Michael smiled back and played footsies with him for a moment. He imagined Jenner falling deeper and deeper for him, and he hoped he'd catch up someday. At best, his heart glided a tad, not quite soared. But the more he saw him and talked to him, the more he felt like he could catch up. It'd probably never be marriage and children, since that kind of future never really frequented Michael's thoughts, but definitely something more significant than he'd ever had. With all the hot sex he could ever want, of course.

And maybe a bit of kink here and there.

Jenner's goofy smile grew wider, and he put his hand on the center of the table, opening his palm.

Michael placed a hand over it and slid his fingers between Jenner's. He could get used to this, but there'd still be some reluctance for a while after Javier had made him feel stupid for trying their "relationship" out. At this rate, there was no way Jenner would ever hurt Michael. His love for him showed, even now with that cutely pathetic face forming from all the emotions that must've whacked him hard. Most guys weren't like that, it seemed, not even ones as mildly masculine as Jenner.

One day, Michael would get there. But for now, he was fine with getting to know Jenner better through sex and lots of chat. His cock hardened the longer he held his hand, and he formed a smirk and leaned closer to him. "Spend the night with me tonight."

Jenner blushed. "We almost fell off my bed the one time, many times. Your bed's the same."

Michael squeeze Jenner's hand a little harder. "No one's ever in Hickeyhook Hole after I leave, and no one's usually there until the day guy comes sometime in the afternoon."

Jenner lifted his eyebrows. "Oh. Interesting."

Michael stroked the back of Jenner's hand with his thumb while holding his gaze for a long time. "Stay with me tonight."

Jenner sighed with a smile. "Like I'd actually say 'no' to that."

Michael gave him a shrug. "I don't know. You didn't answer for a moment."

"Of course I want to." Jenner squeezed harder.

Michael noticed their order headed their way, and he suddenly couldn't wait to fall asleep with Jenner.

More properly this time.

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