Chapter 19

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Wednesday marked four full days since Jenner hadn't heard from Michael. Granted, he hadn't contacted him either. What had gone on between them? Things had seemed fine, but after they'd departed from Hickeyhook Hole shortly after their first and only shower together, Michael had rushed off, and that'd been that. Had he felt uncomfortable doing something he wasn't used to? He hadn't even shown up to work on Saturday evening when Jenner had sneaked into Hickeyhook Hole to check things out, which had made him leave quickly.

In the afternoon, Jenner was at the student union, trying to read at one of the round tables away from the row of food kiosks. It wasn't the mild crowd noise that bothered him, though; it was his future with Michael after such an awesome half weekend together.

Jenner decided not to dwell on it anymore for the moment. He shoved his book aside to doodle inside his notebook. Even a crappy drawing would help take his mind off Michael for a while.

"Hello, Mr. Tello."

Jenner looked up and turned his head to his right. He smiled at Professor Hardick. "Hi."

Professor Hardick smirked. "How's your assignment for my class going?"

Jenner let out a small laugh. "Very funny."

Professor Hardick briefly glanced around and formed a sexy smile, lowering his voice. "When am I going to get to eat that hot little ass of yours again?"

Jenner's eyes bulged at such boldness, even if everyone was too far to hear anything. He blushed. "...What do you mean?"

"Oh, don't be coy now."

"No. Seriously."

"You didn't know it was me behind you the other week?"

Jenner's eyebrows arched, and he suddenly couldn't look at Professor Hardick for a moment. Yeah, he was hot for an older man, but Jenner had no idea they'd messed around. Then again, he'd been so lost in Michael that every other guy had been an afterthought.

"I even fingered your tight hole and came all over your butt. So hot." That lecherous face suddenly didn't seem so appealing like before. Or maybe it was Michael who'd changed the way Jenner had once felt about Professor Hardick. " about at my place this time? I'm free right now. Just got done for the day."

Jenner's phone on the table vibrated, and he wasted no time getting to it. Saved by the text. It was Michael stating he needed to talk to him whenever possible.

In the sex room.

Jenner's mouth almost opened, but he controlled his emotions and gave Professor Hardick a weak smile. "I...have to go. Something came up."

Professor was about to say something until his phone vibrated, and he grabbed it to scan the text. He exchanged small smiles with Jenner and nodded. "I have to go too. I'll see you soon." He winked and rushed away.

Jenner sighed and dropped his forehead against his crossed arms on the table. Why did it have to be in the sex room? Why couldn't they just hang out elsewhere? As hot as the orgies had been, Hickeyhook Hole was suddenly getting a bit stale. The novelty had worn off quicker than he'd anticipated, and he realized he was stuck going there if he wanted his straight-A's and degree. But was it even worth four whole years just to obtain his bachelor's degree in exchange for fun and sex?

Was there a way out?

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