We're Having a Baby! Now...!

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El was hanging around in her hospital bed, watching the catch-up of Wimbledon in England. Her hair was all over the place, she hadn't gone into labour, but with hers and Mike's baby being upside down, the doctor's were going to do a c-section today.

"Everything is going to be OK," Mike said, reading his wife like a book, he's always been able to read her like a book.

"Promise?" She asks, looking at her husband, cradling her pregnant stomach, something that will soon be slightly exchanged for their baby.

"Promise," Mike says softly, reaching over to rub her stomach, feeling their baby move under his hand, making him feel so excited.


El was currently under the knife, a screen hiding her stomach from El. Mike wasn't looking at what the doctors were doing with his wife, he kept his eyes firmly on El, comforting her through this.

"Mr Wheeler?" The doctor said, pulling Mike away from El's face. "Would you like to help your daughter?"

A shocked look falls over Mike's face. "Daughter? We're having a girl?" Mike asked, letting go of his wife's hands and was given a pair of rubber gloves.

Mike had the rubber gloves on his hands and gently pulled out his tiny babe (cringing slightly when he felt his wife's insides).

The baby let out a loud cry, announcing her arrival into the world.

"Hi, baby,"

VidelSigns this one's for you, girlie xx

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