[Chapter Five] Mari

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Chapter Five- Mari

I can’t believe I left my damn phone, I was usually more organized and then Marla called because Lalexia wouldn’t go to sleep without saying goodnight so I made sure to talk to her until she went to sleep. Marla said I needed to stop coming over there to tell her goodnight.

I used to but for one, I hate touching her and giving her hugs or kisses after what I had done, I always wanted a shower first because I felt tainted and dirty and I wasn’t going to hold my baby like that and for two, Marla was right, she wasn't really a baby anymore.

I went home to my entirely too empty house and sighed. I know Marla was trying to help by taking Lex for the night but it was weird having the house so quiet. I took a nice long shower and curled up in bed and read a book.

The next morning I laid in bed and groaned. I was missing her jumping on my bed waking me up and I couldn’t sleep so I got up and went for a run, something I never got to do in the morning because I was making breakfast and doing what needed to be done.

I put the music in and ran around the park until I was tired and sweating before I ran back and took a shower and by the time I was done Marla was sitting on my bed which scared the shit out of me.

“How was last night?” she asked

“It was work.” I shrugged

“Just work? Then why the bruises?” she asked angrily

“I’m fine, things just got a little out of hand.” I grabbed some clothes and got dressed.

“Don’t play that.” She said

“It’s fine. He pinned my wrists down and he gripped a little hard. Nothing big.” I told her and she nodded. We knew things could get out of hand and as long as he knew it wasn’t acceptable it wasn’t anything to worry about.

“Mommy!” Lalexia ran in the room and jumped on my bed with Eva and Todd following right behind her. This was more like it; noise and chaos.

‘You figure out if you’re free this week?’ my phone rang right after breakfast

‘Tuesday and Thursday 10-2 is all I got.’                       

‘How about both. See you at ten.’

“I’m working the day Tuesday and Thursday.” I told Marla

“You really should take some time for yourself.”

“Yeah well school, a daughter and bills don’t pay themselves.” I shrugged.

“I know, but everyone deserves a night off.”

“Well I have nothing Friday but Lex’s dance recital and that’s the kind of days off I like.” I watched the kids running around the house

“I know, I just wish you would take time off.”

“I know, but soon I’ll be out and I can have a real job and real relationship even, maybe.” I made some kool aid for the kids

“You will.” She smile at me

“Yeah well what guy is going to want a girl like me.” I asked I was a single mom, had a kid at seventeen, a run-away who never went to high school and a prostitute. What guy is going to want a girl like me?

“Don’t think like that.”

“Who wants to go to the park?” I asked and they all abandoned their drinks in favor of going outside and we waited to keep talking until they were all playing.

“Just because you didn’t go to a formal school doesn’t mean you’re stupid; even drugged up you studied and kept up on things. I would have ran away too.” She said

“Yeah well I’m not proud of my decisions but running away was one I’ll never regret.” I couldn’t live like that anymore, it was terrible.

They all stayed for dinner and when they were done Lex took a bath and brushed her teeth and I tucked her into bed.

The next day I got her off to school and went to my class so that I could rush back and get her to take her to dance class. She was so cute in her tutu and she was getting really good at ballet, tomorrow would be gymnastics, dance, gymnastics and then her dance recital and then it was the weekend again and the next week would be even busier since I was meeting with Ed during the week all week, then I would have Paul, Shawn, Paul and then it started all over again the next week until Ed left for L.A again and I wouldn’t see him for a couple months, then things out die down again.

I absolutely hated doing this and I couldn’t wait until I could stop though I don’t know a job that paid this well. I tried to save most of what I made and so I was hoping we would still be fine.

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