Attempting to Search For the Main Ridge Monster

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Remember when the last time I tried to find the Main Ridge Monster? Well, it backfired. Graham ate too much Foo-Foo. My camera got smashed, but they weren't really the monster.

Right now, I was laying in my bed at nighttime. I wanted to search for it now, but my bed felt really cozy and warm that I didn't want to. Finally, I reluctantly got out of my room and outside of the firehouse. I was hoping that finding it would be impossible, and everybody would see how brave I was (not capturing it, but showing pictures). I knew that Dad would be furious when he found out, but it'll be worth it.

I put on my day clothes and switched out my PJs. Then I put on my jacket because it was very cold outside. I got my camera ready.

I got on my hoverboard on. Unfortunately, Frankie heard my hoverboard sounds.

"Cody! What in the world are you doing?"

"Umm, Uhh,"

I decided to tell the truth, but she'll stop me.

"I am just taking a look at Griffin Rock on my hoverboard," I lied.

"But why do you have a camera? Griffin Rock is not that special, and it is very late,"

"Um, bye!"

Frankie had a confused face when I went away. It was hard to upset her, but I needed to take a photo of the monster without her knowing. I hovered into the thick, dense, forest. Some while later, I began to get lost. Suddenly, I heard something growling behind me. I was too scared to take a photo. I changed my mind about it. Dad would be angry if he found out. Was that creature the Main Ridge Monster? Well, it looked liked it was. And it looked liked it was hungry! I quickly hid behind a tree.

I could use my com-link to dad, but he will be like I said, furious. So I told Heatwave that I got lost in the forest near the lab.

"What?!" asked Heatwave.

"What are you doing there?" asked Boulder.

"According to TV, there are ghosts that are about to haunt your soul!" warned Blades.

"Boulder and I will go. Chase and Blades will stay home since this emergency will not hurt anyone," ordered Heatwave.

"PHEW!" sighed Blades.

I heard Heatwave and Boulder driving not far away. They turned into bot form and tried to find me. It was so cold that I was eager to get home right away, so I followed the bots' noises. I finally found Boulder and then we found Heatwave. In addition, they also found my jacket. Boulder used his navigation system to get home.

Luckily, none of my family knew what happened but maybe Frankie. And she'll probably tell Doc, but she knows only a little. Now I would never go alone to somewhere in the nighttime.

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