My Annoying Cousin

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"Kids, look who's coming to Griffin Rock on the ferry!" pointed out Dad as he looked at a ship heading towards us in the distance.

When the ferry arrived, a bunch of people came out of the ship. There were so many that there seemed like thousands of them. Finally, a mother and her son came to us.

"Let me introduce you to your 6-year-old cousin, Zack," said Dad to me.

"Zack and his mother will go back to the mainland in 2 weeks," Dad explained.

"Zack, this is your family in Griffin Rock," explained Zack's mom.

"This is Cody, Graham, Kade, and Dani, and you can call me Mr. Burns," introduced Dad to Zack.

"Ok. Mr. Burns, can I play with them?" asked Zack to Dad.

"Sure. But first, let's head to our home," said Dad.

When we arrived back at the firehouse, Zack was talking so much like pressure released from a plastic bag.

"When is lunch?"

"Do you want to play Tic-Tac-To?"

"My favorite color is blue,"

I was about to yell "STOP TALKING", but luckily I stopped myself from making him cry. I know that every child this age would be a menace like that. Even me and my siblings. Maybe to calm him down, I would play a game with him.

"Do you want to play Never Have I Ever?" he asked.

"Okay, sure," I told him.

"Have you ever wet your bed?" he asked me intentionally-like.

Now I regretted it. But I'd rather do this than to have an annoying talker worse than Kade arguing with Dani.

"When I was little, I did sometimes," I whispered in his ear, aware that none of my siblings, especially Kade was listening.  

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