The Secret Lover: Valentine's Day Special | Part 1

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Sorry, guys! I stopped writing in December 2018, but I returned!!!! Well, I hope you don't think these stories will end. Valentine's day is coming! So that's why I decided to return in 2019! And this chapter/tale is all about Valentine's Day coming up in a matter of days! Well, if you are reading this and February 14 is over, it's OK. Without further ado, let's get to the story!

????????'s POV

Heavy, wet raindrops poured on the glass window. I wondered what kind of gift I should send him. Cody. Maybe a box of chocolate? Nah. Too teenage-ish. A flower bouquet? No, what if the petals will fall everywhere? An anonymous card? Sure! That way I can tell him my feelings without him knowing! Teeheehee!

Cody's POV (Sorry if you think this is different.)

"Okay, class! Time to look in your Valentines bag!" Mrs. Citrina said, in her cheery voice.

I dumped the little heap of candies and other goods out onto my desk. My classmates were doing it too, some of them were surprised by what they received. Most of them were from Frankie, and some of them were from some other kids. The weird boy in my class, Jonathan, sent me a nose pencil sharpener. It had a note on it that said: "I pick you!". Well, that is very pun-ful and weird.

Then I felt something soft inside the pile of candies and valentines. I grabbed it out. It was an unnoticeable shade of pink, and it had a texture of felt. It was a card, written with calligraphy. Inside, it said:

Dear Cody,

I love you. Yes, really, I do. Will you ever notice me? I am heartbroken, hoping to see you more often. I won't tell you who I am, it will be a mystery. Well, let's just say that I'm not that popular. I really think you should stop loving her and like me. I am in your school, somewhere-

I was interrupted by Mrs. Citrina.

"Cody Burns, didn't you hear me? I was calling your name 3 times already! Why didn't you answer?"

I was surprised. I was so absorbed in reading the card that I didn't hear her cheery voice at all.

"Uh, I-" I tried to answer.

I heard some boys snickering at me. They must've thought that I was a fool.

"And by the way, what's in your lap?" she questioned.

I quickly tucked the card into my desk.

"Nothing," I answered.

Mrs. Citrina taught the class about multiplying decimals and fractions. I didn't learn anything. I was too busy about that card. Who in the school could've sent me it? And who was her that the girl mentioned in the text?

"Okay, class! Your math homework will be pages 206 to 210 in the Math Textbook!" Mrs. Citrina instructed.

Oh, no! I was too busy thinking about the card that I wasn't paying attention! Hopefully, Graham will reteach me when I go home. If Graham is busy on patrol, then Dani can. But DEFINITELY NOT Kade. And if Dad isn't busy, he can, too.

I walked out of math class. It was lunchtime. I hurried and grabbed my lunch bag. I sat next to Frankie.

"Hey," she greeted.

"Hey," I greeted back.

Should I tell Frankie about the letter? Would she be mad? Or not? I should. She's my best friend.

"Frankie, guess what I got in my bunch of valentines?"

"Stuff that I sent you?"

"Yes, but something else," I told her.

"Huh, is it the pun-ny nose pencil sharpener? I got that," answered Frankie.

"Yes! But something else,"

"Ok, I give up! What is it? A card or something?"

"How do you know?" I guess Frankie really is a smart girl.

"I don't know," She said, shrugging.

So I told Frankie all about the letter.

"Really?" She seemed genuinely surprised.

So Frankie isn't the author of the letter. It has to be some unpopular girl that I've never talked to. Huh.

The bell ringed. I quickly finished the remains of my sandwich Dad packed for me. As I walked to my next class, I suddenly splashed my shoe in a puddle. That suddenly reminded me that it is going to rain hard tomorrow. I have to bring my umbrella, so the card doesn't get wet.

My next class was History.

I couldn't learn the rest of the lesson. I just couldn't stop thinking about that card. I took the card out of my backpack, as quiet as I could.

I read the rest of the card I didn't finish:

I am in your school, somewhere. Hope you can solve the mystery!

   XOXO, Secret Lover

Who is the secret lover????

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