The Sea Monster (Part 1)

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"Kids, I have a special surprise for you guys," Dad said as we ate dinner.

"Please don't be a stupid fishing event," Kade muttered.

"Kade!" scolded Dani.

Dad ignored him.

"We're going on a..... beach vacation! All of you guys have been working hard, and deserves a special reward!" Dad answered joyfully.

A beach vacation? That'll be great!

"Tomorrow, at 8'o clock, we will be packing up for the beach!" Dad instructed.

"Ugh, why 8? I'm not an early bird," Dani complained. "Hmm, I'll try,"

"Wait, can Frankie and Doc come with us?" I asked.

"Sure," Dad answered.

Yes! This will be one of the best days of my life! Tomorrow was Saturday. That means I wouldn't worry about homework either.

The next day...

I woke up, dressed up, and grabbed my silver suitcase. I thought about what to put in the suitcase. I put a case of sunscreen, a towel, another pair of clothes, bottled water, and my swimming shorts. I went into Boulder with Graham. 

"Hey, did you know that spending time in the sun increases the risk of skin cancer? I read that in Graham's science book. But putting on sunscreen prevents that risk," Boulder informed.

"Okay....?" Graham and I replied.

We finally arrived at the beach. It was a high tide, so it didn't take too long to go into the water. Then I forgot to switch on my swimming shorts. I went to the bathroom to switch it on. When I went out of the bathroom, I saw Frankie wading in the water.

"Hey, Frankie," I said.

"Oh, hey, Cody," she replied.

"Let's have a swimming race!" I suggested.

"Yeah!" she agreed.

Frankie and I told each other the rules. The end of the race was at the end of the pier. I started as fast as I could as if I was swimming away from a shark. Frankie was more clever and did the opposite. She started off slowly, then began to gradually get faster. She was in the lead and won the race. With my dumb idea, I was very fatigued and tired. My arms could not move.

"Frankie, I'm tired! I can't move!" I called off to her.

She didn't hear me, because I knew I was too far. I tried calling her again, but it didn't work. Suddenly, the waves became wilder, and then I was in a small whirlpool. I tried swimming out of the whirlpool. But I forgot the fact that my arms were tired. Then some kind of claws grabbed me into the water.

I was pulled deep, deep underwater as I held my breath. I looked down at the creature that was pulling me. It was an evil, scary, Siren, but with legs. Then, all of a sudden, I was blacked out.

When I woke up, I wasn't in water anymore. I was in some kind of an unfamiliar underground cavern. A secret cavern, I thought. The cavern made the scene look like a horror movie that I was trapped in. I looked at myself. I was hung up on the wall, and my feet were in chains. I was all chained up in some kind of rusty iron.

I heard some footsteps coming. The Siren I saw had dark red hair, orange eyes, and a huge trident. She came to me. When she was close to me, she stopped. Her expression was a kind of evil, happy face when she is about to do something evil and get away with it.

"Ah, yes, my new victim!" she declared happily.

What do you mean victim? What is she going to do with me? Is she going to kill me?

"Listen, my victim, my name is Anita. Guess what I'm going to do with you?" she laughed lunatically.

What? What? What is she going to do with me?

"Listen here. I'm going to leave you alone to rot, and then, a thousand years later, I will give your remains to my kings, and I'm going to be rich! Human skeletons are worth a lot! And by the way, we Sirens can live forever, and we don't age!"

I was shocked by what she said. Then without a word, she walked away. How will I get out of here? My com-link was sizzling with electricity from the water. Maybe if I tell someone, they'll come to rescue me. But wait, how are they supposed to know where I am?

Well, it is worth a try. I tried to say help on the com-link, right before it was broken up. It was just useless. Great. Now what was I supposed to do while I rot? Well, I guess I'm a victim......... 

TFRB: Cody's POV of lifeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu