Trouble at the Zoo

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No. Zack is coming back to Griffin Rock? And this time for a whole month? UGH! No!!!!!

When we picked up Zack, the 6-year old menace, his mom had special news for us.

"So, guess what? I'm enrolling Zack to the school at Griffin Rock! He's going to be in 1st grade! Hooray!" Zack's mother told us.

Oh, great. Now I was going to have Zack in my school. And if I pass the lower grades' hallway, Zack will probably yell out my name, and bring unwanted attention to me.

3 weeks later...

Things have been going okay. My prediction was right, but he only did it once. And his grades were pretty high.

Zack's mother didn't exactly move into a house on Griffin Rock, so she and Zack had to live with us in the firehouse. When Zack's semester was over, they will go back to the mainland.

It was Tuesday afternoon. When I walked back home with Frankie and Zack, Zack told me about his project about animals at school.

"Cody! Cody! Today, at school, Mrs. Geona said we have to do a report about an animal I pick!" he said in his high pitched voice.

"Okay. What animal are you going to do a report on?" I asked.

"Hmm. Hmm. I can't choose."

Dad walked in.

"Good afternoon, Zack and Cody," he said. "I heard about your project,"

"Yeah, but, but, I can't pick an animal," said Zack.

"Well, why not go to the zoo at the other side of the town? You and Cody can pick your animal," suggested Dad.

"Yay! I can go to the zoo! The zoo is very, very fun! We get to feed the animals some seeds!" Zack exclaimed.

"When is your project due?" asked Dad.

"It's due in 2 weeks," answered Zack.

"Good. Cody, you can take Zack to the zoo on Saturday," Dad told.

I sighed. Saturday's gonna be a long day. I had an idea. I can take Frankie, she might pass the time while Zack will be around, gawking at animals to see which one's the best.

On Saturday...

Dad sent Frankie, Zack, and me to the zoo in Chase. Chase remained silent because he didn't want Zack to find out that he's actually an Autobot.

"EEEEE! I can't believe in actually riding in a police car!!!! YAAAY!!!!" shrieked Zack.

I'm sure Chase would think his audio sensors would be broken. And my ears, too.

"Shhh, Zack. You wouldn't want the police to get you for being loud, don't you?" said Frankie.

"Oh. Sorry!" said Zack.

We finally arrived at the zoo.

"Bye, kids! Use the com-link to contact me if there's trouble!" said Dad, driving away. "I'll be back to pick you guys up at 3, okay?"

"Okay, bye, dad!" I called up to him.

We entered the zoo and paid the entrance fee.

"So, which part do you want to go to first? The sea animals or the jungle animals?" Frankie asked Zack.

"Hmmm. The jungle animals! I want to go see the monkeys!" answered Zack.

"Okay, let's go to the jungle area!" said Frankie, looking at the map.

"I'll go buy the snacks at the food booths," I told them.

"Ok! I want some potato chips!" requested Zack.

I turned around the corner to the way to the snack booths. I looked at the map and put it in my pocket. But I wasn't looking where I was walking. I bumped into a person. I was surprised by who it is.

I gasped. "Priscilla!"

"Yep, it's me!" Priscilla Pinch laughed evilly, which I think is inherited by her mom.

"What are you doing in the zoo?" I questioned.

"You'd think I wouldn't be here, because I'm evil and rich, like my mother. Well, I have a plan! This time, with the animals!!!" Pricilla cackled.

She held up something. It was a cellphone! The same one that hypnotized my family and everyone!

"I know what you're thinking, Cody. But me and my mother will be going to hypnotize the animals, so they're going to go wild and attack everyone! Hahaha!"

Oh, no! So that means Madeline Pinch is here, too! I have to do something! I ran away to a less crowded area. I said to my com-link what just happened. But my com-link wasn't working. I looked back. I saw Madeline Pinch walked up beside Pricilla!

"We had thought ahead. We had disabled the signal in this area," explained Pinch.

A wild boar-looking animal rammed into me. I was moving backward. Then something hit my back. Hard. I looked back. My back hit the railing of the tiger enclosure.

I was struggling to keep away from the railing. If I fell into the ditch, I would fall at least 8 feet in. Then the tigers would attack me. But the boar was too strong, hypnotized by the cellphone. I grabbed onto the railing. The boar rammed into my hands.

I fell down. Down, down, into the tigers. I landed on my legs. And it hurt, badly. I saw some tigers roaring nearby. I suddenly heard a gasp.

"Cody!" someone yelled.

I looked up. It was Frankie and Zack.


I looked. The tigers were unmistakably going to pounce. I tried to run away, but I couldn't move my legs. It felt broken. The tigers were coming closer.

"Hang on, Cody! I'm going out of the zoo where there's signal, and call your dad and the team!" Frankie called.

"I'm going with you!" Zack said to Frankie.

Great. Now I'm stuck here, and the tigers were only a few meters away. Hurry, Frankie! I have either try to scoot away or just hide. Now the tigers were several feet away. I scooted to a nearby bush. I tried my best to hide in a bush. It was kind of prickly, but it was worth it. A tiger crawled next to me, but it couldn't find me. It went away. I scooted out of the bush.

Then I heard a voice.


It was Dad, in Chase. Chase jumped in the enclosure, picked me up in his hands, and climbed out of the ditch.

"Cody, what happened??" Dad asked afterward.

I explained to him all about the evil Pinches, and about the hypnotized animals. Frankie, Zack, and I entered Chase. We searched around the zoo for Madeline Pinch. Eventually, we didn't find them, but we did find the cellphones that the animals were holding. Chase broke all of them, turning the animals back to normal.

Phew. I'm so glad I got rescued in the right time. And got the animals back to normal. But how do we get the Pinches? They've must've escaped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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