The Sea Monster (Part 2)

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Oh my gosh! It's been a year since the first part was published!!! Hooray!!! Now, this is a year old! Announcing the 1st year anniversary of TFRB: Cody's POV of life!!!!! Well, not exactly. It's March 13, 2019 right now, and the first part was published on March 8, 2018. (I think so.) So basically, this whole entire story 1 year and 5 days old. Without further ado, let's end this cliffhanger with part 2! ☻☻☻

I hung still on the wall. Thinking about that siren. That malicious siren. Why would they do this to helpless, victims like me? Why would they think our skeletons are money? Why?

I heard footsteps again. Oh, great. Now, what is gonna say or do? But it was just a boy, with bright blue hair and matching eyes. Without a word, he unlocked the chains and the other things keeping me up on the wall.

"Hurry, we don't have much time to escape! I barely made passed the guards in a disguise!" said the boy.

"W-who are you?" I asked, stuttering.

"Look, Lil' blondie, I don't have much time to explain. Name's Jess." he introduced firmly.

I liked that nickname. Lil' blondie. He told me to go to the other side of the dark room. We saw a vent, but it was too high to reach. Jess grabbed me and I sat on his shoulders and told me to crawl through the vents to escape. I opened the lid and crawled in.

"Now your turn!" I called out to him.

"No! They're coming to get us! You go! And in fact, I can't even reach!" he shouted out to me.

Worried, I quickly closed the lid of the vent and crawled in. I heard some shouted out there. The security guards had caught him. He tried to save me, I thought, as I crawled deeper into the vents. But poor Jess got in trouble for saving.

Now there were 3 pathways in front of me. I came to a stop. Which path should I take to lead out, back onto the beach? Left, right, or keep continuing? Suddenly, I saw a carving of a map beside me. Someone had used something sharp and drew a map that was written on the metal wall. So I wasn't the only human to escape the evil sirens by using the vents! And that person tried to help us! Noble!

But what about Jess? Should I go back to get him? Yes. If he tried to save me, I should, too. Maybe he was a victim, like me, and escaped. Then, he decided to rescue me, too. I turned and crawled back, thinking about my plan. If the guards caught him, they would put him back in chains. Maybe I should put on a disguise, just like he did. Then, I would pretend to be a VIP and trick the guards. I hope this will work! I opened the lid of the vent. Uh, oh. I haven't thought about this small little detail, yet very important one of this plan. It was too high up to get out of this vent. How was I supposed to get down? I noticed a small little table that was holding the chains. It was exceptionally tall. If I could jump and land on there, I could climb down, like the Floor is Lava game, but in reverse.

I crawled back into the vents for a head start. I quickly crawled and jumped out the vents. I landed on my feet on the table. Unfortunately, my feet stepped on the jagged part of the chain, causing it to hurt, but not bleed. It was almost like stepping on a Lego, but it was sharper. I jumped off the table. The ground had more footprints on it since the guards came by. The door was left slightly open, and I was grateful they didn't lock it. I walked out, and it was like a super long hall. I walked a little bit. It was like a jail, but there were locked doors to a room instead of prisoner cells.

I remembered that Jess had a necklace on him. The necklace had a tag that said the room number he was locked in. I guess that you have to be locked in long enough to get a necklace. Jess's necklace had a no. 036 on it. So he was in room 36. I looked at the room numbers as I walked. Number 30....31.....32.....33.......

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