The Shrinking Ray (Not a Real Part)

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This takes place between S1 E14 and S1 E15.

Everyone was so glad to be back with their bots after they were lost for a while. I was mostly happy because Chase wasn't lonely now. I went on my hoverboard to Doc's to get more info about the shrinking ray.

"Cody, you mustn't fool around with this; the bots changed tiny because of it. Maybe I should try to put it in the BLF section," said Doc when I arrived.


Doc went out of the room to take care of something. I know this is a dumb thing to do, but I touched it. Unfortunately, it was on the edge of the table, so it fell down, breaking it. The beams shot everywhere, including me. I tried to call Doc for help, but it was no use. I was as small as an ant.

Doc came back to see what was the fuss. He was very big, and he couldn't see me. Doc said something, which was really loud on his phone, so I covered my ears to not hear it. I went to a corner under his table. Why did I touch the ray after Doc clearly said not to? I guess Frankie is smarter than me. After what had seemed forever, I saw 3 dark and small shapes in the distance. I couldn't really see what they were, but they seemed like Graham, Kade, and Dani. I couldn't hear them, but it sounded like they were calling my name.

"Cody? Cody? Where are you?" Dani shouted.

"I'm right here!" I said.

"Where? In what direction?" asked Graham.

"Ugh. I wished you brought your whatcha-you-call-it gadgets with you so we can find Cody and turn back to normal!" Kade complained to Graham.

"Well, Doc said there's an emergency and we didn't know," he replied.

"Guys! Stop arguing! We need to find Cody! Don't we want to get back to the firehouse faster?" Dani said.

I started running towards the dark shapes. Then they became more vivid because I was closer. Sure enough, it was them.

That white and green and gray thing is supposed to be the shrink ray, but it doesn't look like it

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That white and green and gray thing is supposed to be the shrink ray, but it doesn't look like it. The kids are near the left down corner.

"Cody! How did you find us?" asked Kade.

I didn't felt like answering him, so I didn't. Then, we walked to the wall. Graham had brought a piece of tech that can zoom us up into the air and see where we are. Well, the tech malfunctioned and it was beginning to fall down. We hit into something that felt like metal. As we continued walking in there. I suddenly realized it was the vents!

"Dani! We are in the vents!" I shouted.

She scoffed. "Why didn't you realize it sooner? We're lost."

Maybe this is what the 3 bots experienced when they got lost in the sewers. But thankfully it wasn't the sewers. Sure, it is very dusty everywhere, but not contaminated or slimy or whatever. Traveling through the vents reminded me when Uncle Woodrow took me to the maze last summer.

Graham just looked at his phone.

"The phone signal isn't strong enough, because we're so tiny," he said.

Does this means.... that we're lost in here... FOREVER???

A/N: This is not a real part in the story.

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