Hide and Scream

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Sorry if the picture is bad.

I am bored. Really bored. I would've asked Kade to do anything with me, but he's busy sleeping. But the rest of my family was available. I suggested tag, but I don't really want to sweat in this mood now.

"How about hide and seek?" Dani suggested.

"Sure!" I agreed.

Hide and seek sounded great to me. We played rock, paper, scissors to see who will count first. Graham lost, so he gets to count. Abruptly, Dad's phone rang and he just got a call that Mr. Pettypaws got stuck in a tree again. So he left the game, leaving the 3 of us.

"1, 2, 3...." counted Graham.

I saw Dani hid somewhere in her room. I hid in Dad's dressing room, which was kinda small.

"Ready or not, here I come!" said Graham.

Immediately, Graham found Dani. I can tell because I heard their distant shouts. I think they had trouble finding me because they thought that I hid in my own room.

"Cody? Cody, where are you?" called Dani.

I was unable to answer because then they won't find me. Suddenly, a black hand was put over my mouth. The hand came from a man hiding in the same room. Then, a strange green glow appeared all over the man and me. We reappeared in a different room that wasn't in the firehouse. So I got teleported! And obviously, the man who got teleported with us was Dr. Morocco.

"Well hi again, little one," greeted Morocco with an evil look on his face.

"Dr. Morocco, were you hiding in my Dad's dressing closet all the time?" I asked.

"I got teleported here," he replied.

"Dani, Graham, help me!" I called for help.

"They'll definitely not hear you because we've teleported to my lair!" shouted Dr. Morocco.

I tried to run away, but that caused Dr. Morocco to yell "MorBots, get that boy".  I used my com-link to try to contact Dad, but he thought ahead and jammed the signal here. I just hope Graham and Dani notice that I'm missing and then I'll be rescued. Finally, I heard sirens and car sounds. It was the rescue team!

"You're under arrest, Dr. Morocco," said Dad, coming in the door.

"What?!" cried Morocco.

"Dad, how did you know where I was?" I asked.

"We saw a card that was dropped with an M logo on it. And the first place we guessed was his lair," he said.

I told him thank you. Frankie came here with Doc. I said hi to them.

AN: I am really sorry if this story is boring. 

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