The Secret Lover: Valentine's Day Special? | Part 2

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It's February 15 when I started. Does that mean it is still a Valentine's Day special????? Maybe? OK, let's just get to the story and get closer to revealing Cody's secret lover!!!!!

Cody's POV

I ran from that Cupid. My bare feet felt the soft, moist clouds. The cupid suddenly shot the arrow. At me.

I screamed when I woke up. What a weird dream!!!!! The alarm clock said 7:03 AM. I suddenly remembered it was Saturday. Phew! No more stress of homework, and math or history tests!

I slid down the pole to the kitchen to have breakfast. Dad was cooking chocolate chip pancakes. Kade was burning his toast, as usual. Dani wanted to sleep in because she isn't such an early bird. Graham was eating cornflakes, sitting at the table.

"Morning, Cody," Dad said.

"Morning," I said back.

I sniffed the air. It smelled very burnt.

"Ooh, my toasts are ready!" exclaimed Kade.

I rolled my eyes at him as I passed him. I sat next to Graham. He said good morning at me. Dad finished making the pancakes and got me a stack of them. Dani came down because she loved chocolate chip pancakes and smelled them from upstairs.

"Where is it? You'd better have it! I woke up just because of this!" said Dani.

"Yes, I do," said Dad as he gave Dani a plateful stack of pancakes.

As Dani chomped her pancakes, I nibbled mine. I didn't feel like eating much. So I gave most of mine to Dani. She seemed really happy to have extra pancakes. Graham finished his cornflakes, and Kade started eating his second piece of burnt toast. Dad started to eat the remaining pancakes. I finished my little amount of pancakes.

 As I passed the living room, I saw a figure outside, planting a sign by the bushes. Who is that? I quickly ran outside and saw the figure. It was a person, dressed in a black jacket, wearing a hoodie. I could tell that the person was a girl because she had a skirt. The sign that she was planting said "I ♥ U, CODY!!!!"

I was surprised. It was my secret lover. I tried to pull down to her hoodie, but she was too fast. I ran after her, but stopped, because a hand grabbed my shoulder. I spun around to see what it was. It was dad.

"Cody Burns! What are you doing?" he demanded.

"Dad! I saw a girl that was..." I trailed off, wondering if I should tell Dad the whole story.

"Cody, haven't I told you about strangers?" He said.

"But," I started.

"Tell me all about it, when we go back into the kitchen," he said.

"Okay," I said.

"And then dad grabbed me, and that's it," I explained to my family, standing in the middle of the kitchen.

"Woah, I can't believe it's not Frankie!" Kade exclaimed. "You and Frankie are SUCH LOVEBIR-"

Graham elbowed him.

"Ow!" Kade cried.

"We should probably ride in one of the bots, and try to see that hooded figure," Dad suggested.

Ugh, how did I even get in this mess? All because I was so obsessed with reading that card. Then I wanted to solve that mystery.

Dad and I rode in Chase. We explained everything to him, and he seemed surprised. Surprised that it wasn't Frankie. Seriously, why is everyone thinking about this? I know that we've been friends since we were little toddlers, but that doesn't mean we're gonna be married! Well......

I searched in the path on Main Street. There were a lot of people there. But still no people with a black hoodie. Dad turned onto another block. Suddenly I saw her. Going to her house. Still holding a tool kit that contained some nails that she left over from hammering that sign back at the firehouse.

"Dad! Dad! Look!" I said to him.

We immediately parked onto the curb and ran to her. Startled, the girl picked up speed and ran. Fast. Seriously, she was as fast as a cheetah! We couldn't catch up to her. She ran into a house. That must be her house. I looked at the sign attached to the garage of the house. 6743 Ranchfield Drive.

"Chase, do you have a piece of paper and a pencil? I want to write down this address. So if I come back, I'll know where she lives," I asked the bot.

I wrote down the address. Dad said that we have to come back in the afternoon because he has to go on patrol. And also, we would have a break.

Whoever you are, I know I'll find you. And solve the mystery. And reveal your identity.

                                                                     Part 3 coming soon!  

TFRB: Cody's POV of lifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz